Select Entry Network Competition 2023

Year 10 Select Entry Network Competition.
The Select Entry Network Competition is a student lead initiative that allows Year 10 students to engage with students from other schools through friendly competition and activities. This was held on Friday, October 20th, 2023, all day.
The purpose of the event is to enable students to express their identity, demonstrate their unique school culture and build connections with their peers from other selective schools. The various events were designed to allow all students to engage with their strengths from sports to the creative arts. Students take responsibility for everything from the planning to the umpiring and participation in the activity while developing skills in teamwork and collaboration.
Article from Gabriel Renison - Year 10 Representative of SRC and one of the organisers
On Friday 20 October, year 10 students participated in the SENS (Selective Entry Network Schools) Cup Tournament. With months of hard work by the year 10 SRC across all schools payed off because it was a day filled with competitive fun and a chance for students of Nossal High School, Melbourne High School, Mac.Robertson Girls’ Highschool and Suzanne Corey High School to meet students from the other schools and make new connections.
Students participated in a variety of events hosted at different schools, ranging across chess, gameshow, debating, talent-show, table tennis, volleyball, cricket and netball. While there was great enthusiasm to participate in the events, there were a number of students who volunteered to help organise the events. They umpired and supported the guests at their various schools making everyone feel welcome and supported. The day provided many memories and with great effort from Nossal’s cohort, we won the tournament and got to take the trophy home. It was a great experience that not only brought the selective schools together but also each school’s cohort with the amount of teamwork and enthusiasm shown by everyone involved.
SENS Cup is an experience that we will never forget. Maybe it was the hours of SENS meetings and planning, the countless emails and messages, or the hundreds of signups we all received. Maybe it was the way the excitement of the students filled the halls or the hours and hours of sports training conducted by teams. Maybe it was the fabulous performances and chess matches we watched, the on-the-spot thinking of those in Game Show and Debating, or the confidence and enthusiasm of the student helpers. Or maybe it was the fierce yet light hearted competition which filled every school with laughers and smiles, allowing the students to make a once in a lifetime memory as they competed for Macrob. All of these things together made SENS Cup so memorable. And after months of hard work, it was amazing to see the relationships and competitive spirit which formed within the students from each school, as well as the bonds built between all the SRCs.
Well done on this year's SENS Cup, everyone. Thanks to all of you, it truly was a SENS success!