Wellbeing & Engagement 

Today is a great day to be you!

Rangeview Colour Run!

On Friday November 24th, we will be holding our Colour Run - and the students are all very excited!


The event itself will begin at 2:00pm straight after B2. Students are allowed to wear white/light clothes to school for the day - we strongly suggest older clothes as you may just wish to throw them out afterwards!


This event was chosen by our student leadership group. They are very keen to put on a fun event for the school, and also raise important funds that will contribute to new equipment or facilities for the school, such as playgrounds. 


We encourage you to visit schoolfunrun.com.au and sign up your child for online fundraising. Based on some community feedback, we are also providing the option of donating any prizes/toys earned through fundraising to the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal. If you do not like the idea of your child bringing home more toys, doing some fundraising for the school and also providing a toy for a child who might not usually receive much at Christmas is a great way to make a small difference. We would love to see our Rangeview families get onboard with this movement - all you need to do is contact the office.


There will also be some special rewards for students who are able to do the most fundraising - such as a 'VIP tent' on the day for their class, and possibly even 'sliming' a teacher...

Year 5 Leadership Incursion

On Tuesday October 31st, our Year 5s spent an entire day in the hall in a valuable Leadership incursion. This was a great opportunity for the cohort to learn more about leadership - and how they can be the best leader possible. 


Our Year 5s are currently working on their leadership speeches for 2024 roles. This incursion helped our future school leaders develop their own thoughts around leadership, what sort of actions and behaviours good leaders display, and also allowed them to participate in a range of teamwork-based activities.


It was wonderful to see our Year 5s step up and really challenge themselves, think deeply, and have fun. 


Maybe the most important message for all students today was that they don't need a badge to be a leader - all Year 6s are considered leaders and role models of the school - they are a fantastic group and I can't wait to see them take the next step in their leadership journey. 

The Resilience Project

I am very happy to share that as a school, we will continue our partnership with The Resilience Project into 2024. 


We have found the program to be such a positive approach to overall mental health and wellbeing development. Students across the school have shown that the values of Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness are really beginning to 'stick' and they are now embedded in our school culture well beyond just activities in a workbook.


We look forward to taking this further next year and providing additional TRP supports to our families at home.

The Round

On Thursday morning, Kate McLeod and I attended a Principal Tour of the newest local arts and cultural centre, owned and run by Whitehorse City Council - The Round. It was wonderful to see many other Principal teams in attendance and also bump into a great supporter and friend of our school, Cr Prue Cutts - Deputy Mayor.


Many of our school community members have already experienced some of what The Round has to offer - if you attended the Spring Festival a couple of weeks ago. Whitehorse City Council are very excited to open up this venue, and in particular, continue to build connections and educational opportunities for schools.


Kate and I were very impressed with the facilities and the possibilities for Rangeview moving into the future!


A reminder that if you feel your child could benefit from seeing a psychologist, we are doing our best to engage with OnPsych - an organisation that provides free psychological support in schools through NDIS/Medicare/Mental Health Care Plan funding.


We are very much in the initial stages and currently gathering information about any students who may benefit from these services. OnPsych do require a certain number of referrals in order to fund support within the school, so we are realistic that at best, this service may begin in early 2024. Please feel free to contact me for further information - or an information pack can be collected from the office.


Have a safe long weekend!


Liam Sommers

Assistant Principal

Wellbeing and Engagement