Grade 3 and 4

Crazy Hair Day

We were amazed by the effort that went into styling for 'Crazy Hair Day' on Friday the 10th of November! The funds raised from this day were to support our Grade 6 students' Graduation later in the year. Thanks to our amazing families for supporting this fun day!



Our Grade 3 and 4 students had a great time participating in the annual swimming program at Aquahub. This experience not only provided our students with an opportunity to develop their swimming skills and confidence, but also to develop their independent skills by organising their swimming belongings. We are very proud of how responsible the students were!


Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program

Dumplings and pizza have been on the menu for our most recent Kitchen Garden sessions. Beyond cooking and gardening, there has been so much other learning taking place. Looking after an unwell chicken, finding creatures in the garden and mastering our table manners are just some of these.