Principal's Message 

Julie Crawford 

Since our last newsletter we have had so many exciting things happening.  Our Prep Concert, Sky Colour, was an absolute highlight with our very talented and confident preps performing for their families and friends on the steps of our new Performing Arts space. The term 4 CBL Big Idea of Discovery has seen many levels focussing on science which students have really enjoyed. This has also been the focus in their Maker Space time. And our swimming program for our Prep – Grade 4s has provided students with the opportunity to learn crucial water safety skills. 


2024 Planning 

In the past weeks we have been undertaking our recruitment process for our 2024 staffing.  This is now completed and we are in the final stages of a finalising teaching placements.


In 2024, we will continue to work in four learning communities – Preps, Grade 1/2s, Grade 3/4s and Grade 5/6s.  There will be one change to our grade structure across the school with the 3/4 learning community reducing from 6 classes to 5 classes due to smaller numbers in that cohort.  Next year we will have 19 classes across Prep to Grade 6, with the following grade structure in four learning communities-


Prep Learning Community -   3 classes 


Grade 1/2 Learning Community-    5 classes – (2 classes of Grade 1, one multi-age class of 1/2 and 2 classes of Grade 2) 


Grade 3/4 Learning Community-   5 classes - (2 classes of Grade 3, one multi-age class of 3/4 and 2 classes of Grade 4)


Grade 5/6 Learning Community -  3 classes of Grade 5 and 3 classes of Grade 6


If your child has educational needs that you believe require special consideration when determining class placement in 2024, please let me know about this in writing. Please note that multiple requests cannot be considered. Please email me directly by Friday, 1st December at


To assist with planning we ask that if you and your family are planning on leaving Wonga Park PS at the end of 2023, please let the school office know as soon as you are in a position to do so. (This excludes Grade 6 students.)



Our 2024 Preps have had three transition visits and are growing in confidence as they get the chance to get to know their new friends and teachers. At the final transition session, tomorrow morning they will meet their teacher and class for next year and a highlight will be meeting their buddy!  Our Grade 5s are super excited too about meeting their prep buddy and sharing the special buddy bag they have made over the past months.  Being a buddy is a leadership role that our senior students look forward to every year and we are always so proud of the way that they support and care for the newest members of our school community!


All of our current Prep – Grade 5 students have begun their transition sessions next week with students spending time in the classroom spaces that they will be in next year. The purpose is to find out how these new spaces look, sound and feel and to identify what looks the same and different to their current learning spaces. We find that transition sessions can help reduce anxiety that some students feel about change and can build excitement and anticipation about the year ahead.


Our Grade 6 students are also preparing for their big transition to secondary school.  It is wonderful to see the maturity and confidence that our senior students display but this time is often a mixture of excitement and anticipation but also sadness at finishing primary school and leaving their friends and teachers. Creating their Memory Books and preparing for their Graduation Night are important parts of the transition process. As are programs such as the Cybersafety Secondary Project, orientation days at their secondary school, Fun Day Out and the final assembly.  We hope our Grade 6 students enjoy every moment of these last few weeks at primary school – it is very special time!


Student Leadership 

This week we began our selection process for our 2024 School Leaders.  A review of the process has resulted in some small changes including a structure of four School Captains and 8 Ambassadors. Students who self-nominated for these positions prepared and presented a speech to the students from grades 4-6.  They also prepared a short-written response about their perspective and interest in leadership for teachers and support staff.  Teachers and student votes were then tallied and short-listed students proceeded to an interview process with the myself, Mrs Brice, a school council representative, the Grade 5 teachers and the current School Captains where each student presented a short speech and respond to questions about the position.

Congratulations to every one of the 35 students who showed great enthusiasm and interest in applying for these important student leadership roles.  We are very proud of them all for their effort and courage!  It is not an easy thing to prepare and present a speech in front of their peers and teachers and to have-a-go in such a competitive process.


Congratulations to our 2024 Student Leaders:


School Captains – Will M, Indi L, Isaiah P and Mischa G

Prep Ambassadors – Charli R, Jacob C-L

Grade 1/2 Ambassadors – Mitch D, Ellen S

Grade 3/4 Ambassadors – Isla W, Caleb K

Grade 5/6 Ambassadors – Abby T, Georgia C


The selection process for other Grade 6 Student Leadership roles in Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Sport, Library, ICT and Science will take place in the coming weeks.


Upcoming Weeks 

There is much planning going into the upcoming weeks with many programs and events on the calendar including – Grade 2 Day Camp, Grade 1 ‘Getting Ready For Camp’ experience, Fathers Of The Oak Mini Golf for Dads and Kids (November 30th), Grade 1/2 Grandparents Day, Carols Night, Expressions Programs ,Grade 6 Graduation and Fun Day Out and end of year class activities. Please keep an eye on Sentral communications and diary dates as there will be a lot happening!


Thank You 

Thank you to families for your support with three recent events.  The recent Book Fair sales raised over $1500 for the school to purchase new books for the library!  Thank you to everyone who came along and purchased books and to Mrs Barnden and the band of parent helpers who generously gave their time to run the Book Fair this year.


The recent Chocolate Drive raised over $2000!  Thank you to everyone who supported the fundraiser either by purchasing a box of chocolates or making a donation. 

The Mango Drive has also been very well supported with over 60 trays ordered, raising over $450!


Your support for our fundraising events is greatly appreciated and the money raised is going towards our Creative Play Space project.  We have now raised a total of $9,000 with our Spring Graze, Chocolate Drive and Mango Drive and are getting closer to our target of $25,000!


We are so lucky to have such lovely spaces in our school. You may have noticed the outdoor poles and edges repainted yellow for improved visibility and safety thanks to the crew of volunteers from Life Ministry who generously donated their time to complete these works. A big thank you also to the many families who attended our recent Twilight Working Bee and helped out with many other  maintenance jobs including moving new softfall into the playgrounds and pressure washing the buildings and paths.  Your help was greatly appreciated! 


Our next whole school community event is our Carols Night on Wednesday, December 6th.  It should be a wonderful night on the oval this year with our students performing on the steps of our new Performing Arts Space and food trucks providing the catering. Don’t forget our final fundraiser for the year – our Golf Ball Drop that will take place at the end of the Carols Night. Purchase a ball via the Trybooking link for a chance to win the $2000 prize! 


Hoping to see you there!


