Shining Star Award

Term 4 – Assembly 3 | ||
Grade | Student | Reason |
*Preps not at assembly this week, due to swimming. | ||
1A | Zara R | Zara, you show such determination and a positive attitude to achieving your goals. Well done, superstar! |
Asha P | Asha your writing has come so far this year. I love how you are so creative and imaginative with your narrative writing. Well done! | |
Griffin I | Griffin, you have worked so hard on your reading in class and have grown in confidence so much this year. Well done! | |
1B | Olivia B | Olivia, you are such an amazing learner! You always look for ways to improve so you can produce your personal best work. |
Phoebe P | Your thoughtfulness, helpfulness and kindness shines through! The way you constantly think of others and how you willingly help out anyone in our class makes everyone feel wonderful. | |
Jackson V | You fill our buckets all the time because you are so kind and thoughtful and caring. You make 1B a better place for all. | |
2A | Lara B | For having a confident and happy approach to all things at school! Your positivity is very inspiring! |
Paige A | For having a positive attitude to learning tasks and sharing completed work with pride! Well done Paige! | |
2B | Charlotte T | I am exceptionally proud of the way you work with focus and determination. You have grown so much this year. Your positivity is truly inspiring. You are a STAR! |
Asha C | For your excellent effort to improve your writing. You work so hard to challenge yourself to attempt the spelling of tricky words. I love your hard working and positive attitude! | |
Nate W | You come to school every day with a positive attitude ready to learn and try new things. You really are a STAR! | |
3A | Riley C | For demonstrating leadership through teaching others maths games with patience and fairness. |
3B | Tom A | For stretching yourself to take on challenges in thinking, we are so excited to hear you share your knowledge, Tom! You are certainly flourishing! |
Noah K | Thank you for showing us the importance of connection – we are so happy to see your best self shining through because you feel connected, Noah! | |
Lexie A | What a physical challenge life is at the moment, Lexie...however, you’ve shown strength, persistence, patience, courtesy and kindness to all who are helping you succeed. Thank you! | |
3C | Oliver L | For pushing himself outside of his comfort zone and for trying so hard to reflect on ways he can and improve – both in and out of the classroom. What a super shining star! |
Amelia W | You are always a shining star in our community Amelia – someone who looks out for others, looks for ways to improve and stretch herself as well as someone who always reflects Wonga Park’s goals and values. | |
4A | Maia B | For inspiring others with your impressive writing. You are a wonderful role model for your peers, Maia! |
Lewis L | Also known to 4A as ‘Mr Maths’. Thanks for being a wonderful mentor for our class. We love hearing about the range of impressive strategies you apply in our Maths lessons. | |
4B | Claudia B | For your amazing attitude returning to school after your big break. Your growth mindset is ! Well done and keep it up. |
5A | Xavier F | For your excellent effort to improve your writing. I have been so proud to see you using figurative language to make your ideas more interesting. Well done, Xav! |
Mischa G | For being the shiniest shining star! It is impossible to pick out something specific, because you’ve consistently been a reliable leader, empathetic and generous friend, a funny and inclusive classmate and an exceptionally focused learner. You give all parts of school 100% of your effort and I am so proud of you! | |
5B | Mitchell D | For having such a positive outlook towards all aspects of school. Well done for all your hard work, it has not gone unnoticed. Keep it up! |
Indie S | For your positive attitude towards school and for giving all challenging tasks a go. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. I am so proud of what you have achieved so far this term. Keep it up! | |
5C | Mia T | For your focused and hardworking attitude towards your learning. Mia, you are a true inspiration and role model for your peers. Well done! |
Georgia C | For your enthusiasm towards your learning and attention to detail in all your work. You are a joy to have in our classroom! | |
6A | Grace A | Grace, you consistently put in your best effort into all learning tasks and approach all challenges with positivity and an open mind. You should be so proud of yourself! |
Sam F | Sam, you are constantly challenging yourself to be creative and think ‘outside the box’. Your thoughtful perspective and strong general knowledge make our class discussions interesting and inspire curiosity. | |
6B | Ollie D | You should be so proud of how far you have come this year. It has been such a delight to see your mindset shift on how you approach challenging learning and how you accept and act on feedback. Keep up this excellent attitude and focus to your schooling. |
6C | James P | For being an all-round superstar! Thank you for being a beacon of cheerful energy in our class! It’s been wonderful to see you approach your learning with such focus and confidence this term, you can achieve anything you put your mind to. |