

Visual Arts

Family Tree Leaves

You may have noticed that the Wonga Park Family Tree has grown! Over 30 families have had their leaves added to our beautiful tree outside the Grade 1/2 building. Thankyou for supporting our school fundraising by purchasing a leaf and adding to the history of our school.

Art Competition Winners

Congratulations to the following students for receiving first place in the Term 3 Art Competition:


Prep - Darcy R

Grade 1/2 - Evie B

Grade 3/4 - Chloe PW

Grade 5/6 - Shae W


These students have cleaned and undercoated the roller door ready for the design to be outlined and painted in the coming weeks.


Here is a snapshot of what's been happening in the Art room in each year level...



Ceramic Santas drying 

Grade 1 and 2

Christmas stained glass windows looking magic with the light shining through them.

Grade 3 and 4

Little Penguins ready for their final firing in the kiln.

Grade 5

Picasso mask collages, and then the clay version, awaiting their contrasting colours to be painted on. 

Grade 6

Graduation self portraits including gelli printing and transparent sheet painting.


State Hooptime Finals

Congratulations to the Junior All Star Boys and Wonga Wombats Future Stars teams on their successful qualification for the upcoming State Hooptime Finals! This is indeed a tremendous achievement that reflects the hard work, dedication, and skill of these students.

Participating in the State Hooptime Finals is a significant honour, and we are confident that the teams will represent our school with pride and sportsmanship. Regardless of the final outcome, the experience gained from competing at this level is invaluable, and we applaud the efforts of each player.

A special thank you goes out to the families of these students. Your support and encouragement have played a crucial role in their success on the day. We appreciate your commitment to their pursuits and the positive impact it has on their development.

Wishing the Junior All Star Boys and Wonga Wombats Future Stars teams the best of luck at the State Hooptime Finals. Enjoy the moment, play with passion, and make lasting memories on this special occasion!


School Swimming Program

It's fantastic to hear that the students in Prep-Grade 4 had a rewarding and enjoyable experience during the 5-session intensive swimming program at Aquahub in Croydon over the past two weeks. Building confidence in the water, practicing swimming skills with friends, and gaining increased water safety skills are valuable lessons that will stay with the students for life.

A big thank you goes out to the dedicated staff and supportive parent volunteers who made this program possible. Well done to all involved! 


Students have had a ball this week testing the pH of lemon juice, bicarbonate soda and water on red cabbage test strips. Many expressed an interest in doing their own experiments on different items in the kitchen at home so we have attached the how to guide below if you would like to create this experiment at home.

How to Extract Red Cabbage Water

  1. Cut up red cabbage and place in saucepan and fill with water until cabbage is just covered.
  2. Open all windows in your house! 
  3. Boil the cabbage until the red from the leaves turns the water purple.
  4. Strain out the leaves and retain the coloured water.
  5. This water can now be used to test liquids and will change to pink for an acid, remain purple when neutral and turn blue when alkaline/basic.

How to Make pH Test Strips with Cabbage Water.

  1. Tear off paper towel from roll and dunk into cabbage water.
  2. Let excess cabbage water drip from towel and then hang towel to dry outside in the sun.
  3. When paper towel is dry, cut into strips to use for pH testing. Colours are even more obvious on the dried paper towel than in liquid form.

Understanding Seeds and Growing Beans

The grade 1/2 students have been learning all about seeds and their stages of growth. If you would like to start a conversation about our bean seeds - Ask your child what a seed coat is and what it does? How does a seed have food to grow when it has no roots yet?

Performing Arts

We have been lucky enough to use our new Performing Arts room and stage this term to hold our Prep Production and our upcoming Christmas Concert!


Prep Production

We are all so proud of our lovely preps for their amazing effort in this years Prep Production. They blew us all away in the way they remembered their lines, songs, dance moves and AUSLAN when performing in front of their families. Thank you to our grade 6 Performing Arts Captains and Callum who also helped on the night, and everyone else involved as well. What a night to remember! 


Christmas Concert

Next Wednesday, December 6th is our Christmas Concert! Students from Prep to 6 have been working hard to learn their songs and their actions. We are so excited to have all our families join us for dinner on the oval with our food trucks serving food from 5pm and students performing from 6pm.


We are very excited to hold our first Christmas Concert on our new stage! Please come dressed in your best Christmas coloured/themed attire, ready to get into the Christmas spirit.