Grade 5 and 6

Week Nine

Bike Racks 

One of our School Captains, Harvey B has orchestrated the installation of some fabulous new bike racks for our Wonga Park Community. This has been a great process and we are very proud of Harvey for his determination to improve our school for the benefit of his peers. These bike racks are located next to the P.E shed near the basketball courts. 


CBL - Discovery

Students have been exploring coding through our Big Idea of 'Discovery'.  Students have begun coding their app by following instructions and adjusting parameters. They are tailoring the app to include their own choice of information and pictures. 




Planning for our Graduation is well underway and invitations have been shared with families via email. The Grade 6s have been fundraising for this event, most recently our Term Four Wacky Hair Day. Later this week, they will have their Hot Dog Day! 




Students in Grade 5 have thought about the roles they would like to nominate for in 2024. We are in the process of electing our leaders for 2024. We would also like to extend a huge congratulations to our successful captains and ambassadors who will be celebrated and introduced at our next assembly. 


Warrandyte High School Excursion

The Grade 5 students were fortunate enough to be invited to Warrandyte High School last Thursday to experience what high school classes are like. Students participated in two 45 minute sessions which included cooking, science and art. 



Buddy Bags

Students are putting the final touches on their buddy bags in anticipation of meeting them and sharing their creations on Wednesday. The Grade 5 students are very excitingly counting down the days and can't wait to finally meet their 2024 Prep Buddies!