Religious Education News

Remembrance Day 2023
All students have been coming together lately to pray the rosary. We thank Mr Wisemantel for leading this and for all who are thoroughly engaging in this wonderful time of prayer.
Sacramental News
Dear Families,
During term 4 this year all students are invited to express their interest to complete either the sacrament of Baptism or First Holy Communion depending where you are up to.
Please contact the office regarding these options as we would like to encourage as many students to engage in these sacraments. All learning will take place in school hours with staff leading these topics. If your child has completed Reconciliation they are eligible to start their First Holy Communion. The celebration for First Holy Communion will be held on Sunday 26th November. Please keep this date in mind.
Thank you
Mathew Mills
Married Couples retreat 7-10 January at Immaculata Mission School
Married couples and children aged 13 and under are invited to the Immaculata Mission School from 7-10 January in Armidale.
Guest speakers from the USA, Dan & Stephanie Burke, will give a retreat for married couples while children will have a special program full of faith, fun and activities. Dan & Stephanie have many years experience in giving retreats and strengthening couples in their love for each other and for God!
Cost (includes accommodation, food & all activities): $310 for adults, $200 for children aged 4-13, children 3 & under by donation
For more information and to register visit: