Principal's News

Hello families,
With only a few weeks left, I encourage all of you and your children to remain focused in the areas of attendance and school participation. We have seen an increase in whole school attendance this year and it would be excellent to finish the year on a high. Our staff and students are getting to the pointy end of the year where stressful situations like assessments, speeches and relationships are at the forefront. I again encourage you to remain focused on small achievements like looking forward to Fridays or the amazing end of year excursions and camps. Having some intrinsic motivation can certainly help at times of stress and we are certainly encouraging students to focus on these.
At the current moment we have an attendance rate of:
This has been a consistent average over the year and we know that with the end of year comes absences from school due to various reasons. Again we encourage all students that Attendance in the final weeks of 2023 matters!
Please be encouraged to send your children/s to school over these finals weeks and to reach out if you are having any issues that we as a school community can assist with.
Mathew Mills