
Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum

WACE Exams

This week, our Year 12 ATAR students commenced their WACE exams.  We wish them all the best for this final phase of their schooling!  


Please remember to remain quiet around the Rec Centre during exam sessions (9am to 1:pm)

EnglishTuesday 31 October 2023
Mathematics ApplicationsWednesday 1 November 2023
Plant Production SystemsMonday 6 November 2023
Animal Production SystemsThursday 9 November 2023

Assessments and Missed Work - General and ATAR

A reminder that if you are absent during a scheduled assessment, please contact your teacher to arrange an alternative time.  If you fall unwell or experience misadventure, we understand, but it is your responsibility to contact your teachers via email to follow up on missed work.


Our Year 11 ATAR students are heading off to Perth on Wednesday for their much-anticipated camp, visiting a range of industries and tertiary institutions.  A big thank you to Ms Jury and Ms Sharpe for coordinating this fantastic opportunity.


Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum


Plant and Animal with Miss Hill

Term 4 has been very busy thus far for the Year 11 students. In Plant Production Systems, students have been working on a group presentation task where they are researching a pest, weed or disease of their choice. They are to create an informative PowerPoint and activity to teach the class. In Animal Production Systems, the class is learning about their final topic of Year 11, animal nutrition and the digestive systems of monogastric and ruminant animals. The class has made flow diagram posters of each digestive system in preparation for their test. 


Good luck to all students finishing class content and enjoy your final weeks as a Year 11 student!