
Kristine Van

Residential Manager

Weekend Fun

Last weekend was a very relaxing time in boarding. ATAR students were making the most of study time and others were chilling with friends.  Friday evening was our usual trip to Northam, to visit the favoured eating places (McDonalds, KFC, Spud shed Etc).

Saturday evening it was "Murder in The Dark" which had staff and students screaming as they were discovered in their hiding places. All done by torch light.

Sunday saw all hands-on deck for decorating the dining room, for out Halloween dinner.

Thank you to those students who put in the hard work, assisting our Kitchen staff with cookie making, hanging and placing of all decorations and general odd jobs.


We had the usual Farm Duty, but other students were very excited to be driving the header for Harvest Duty.  

  • Halloween Dinner

Our Annual Halloween dinner was another incredible success amazing! Thank you to our wonderful kitchen staff for going over and above for our students. Please encourage your students to make the most of these wonderful special dinners put on by our Kitchen and Residential staff.  The more the students participate and put into boarding life the more they will get out of it. 

Skippers Tickets

Skippers ticket training and testing dates are now confirmed. Saturday 18 November this term and Saturday 17 February, Term 1, next year. This course is run through Mandurah Boat Tuition and costs $300.


The course is made up of 3 parts.

  1. Paperwork and booklet acquired. (To be sent, once names confirmed)
  2. Booklet studied. The booklet must be read, and practice exams taken online to ensure passing.
  3. On 18 November, students will be taken to Dawesville by 8.30am where they will do theory exam, practical training, then assessment. We are usually back at the College by 6:00pm. 

Places are limited to 10 each day, so please email KV as soon as possible to start the ball rolling. 


A few gentle reminders.......


4 Students to a room 

Our guidelines state that that there are to be no more than 4 students in a room at any one time. Doors are not to be locked during the daytime unless a student is dressing.   There are so many places that students can hang with their friendship groups which we would like to encourage. This stops accidental damage and allows roommates some more privacy.


Spray on deodorants

As we are an asthma friendly school can we please ask that all spray on deoderants are left at home. 


Student Medications

It is essential that parents contact the school, residential office or residential number to notify us that their child is coming back to boarding with new medications PRIOR to their returning please. This allows us to put it in the system, remind students to take it out of their bags and most importantly monitor their wellbeing. 


Speed Limits

Can we please remind parents and students that the speed limit coming into and out of the College after pick-up and drop-off is 20km. This road is used by all students and staff moving between the Rec Hall, Administration and the students' rooms. Our student's safety is paramount. 


Drink bottles

There are a number of students who do not have drink bottles here at school. It is essential now that the weather is getting hotter, that students are responsible for not only having a bottle but ensuring it is filled at break time and carried with them. 


Extending or changing Leave

Parents must contact the Residential phone (0427 449 613) to inform staff if students are running late or not returning at the time set in REACH. Students will be asked to get their parents to call if they do ring to ensure our Duty of Care.


Kristine Van

Residential Manager