
Daniel de Beer

Farm Manager


Madison Corsini

Assistant Farm Manager


Farm has been a very busy place the last fortnight with our first groups of First Aid and Bush Fire Awareness courses taking place. We are still shearing lambs and had some great results from Kojonup Shears.

Kojonup Shears results

Novice Shearing

·         Cody Walker 3rd

·         Cooper McCuish 6th


Novice Wool handling 17 Entries

·         Cody Walker 6th

·         Jessie Read 8th.

·         Bella Noble 10th

·         Matilda Saunders 12th

·         Cassie Turner 13th

·         Megan Langsford 14th


Thank-you to Miss Martini and Miss Davenport for getting the students in the bus at 5:00am and home at 8:30pm, massive day but thank you. Good luck to those competing in the Boddington Shears and Dinninup Shears. 


We have started harvesting the GM canola, which is going well, and the students have been rostered onto header driving and the chaser bin. Attached is the roster and we cross  all our fingers and toes for a smooth run. 


Third Party Reports

All students have been spoken to in VET Theory regarding the third-party report requirements and to complete any practical requirements during school holidays that can go towards their units of competency. 


The third-party reports are evidence towards the students Certificate II in Agriculture or Certificate III in ​Agriculture practicals. Mrs Corsini will send what the requirements are out via email if requested, we also need video evidence that supports the paperwork. 


Mrs Corsini recommends getting a USB and putting all the evidence on the USB each night or week to bring back to the College on your return.  If any students are interested in completing these reports, please contact Mrs Corsini

Weekend Duty 

It's that time of year when we need to be thinking about next year and ensuring you are working towards completing at least 2 weekend duty rosters during Year 11 and 12 which is the requirement for the core unit of competency AHCWRK204 - “Work Effectively in the Industry”, which is required to complete Certificate II in Agriculture. 


The 2023 roster for Term 4 is very full so please check your spots. The roster for 2024 has been set for our Year 11 students, so please see attached and ensure it works. I understand that there are dates that students can't work on weekends due to commitments like sporting commitments, birthdays, and other events so we encourage the students to get in fast this term and select the dates they choose, or they will be placed into weekends.  



We have had several Year 11 students not showing up on their rostered weekends, which can result in not achieving the core unit for their Certificate II in Agriculture, so just a reminder that swapping weekend roster is strongly discouraged but in the event this situation arises, students must give a valid reason, two weeks’ notice to Mrs Corsini, and finding another student to replace them.  


Students and parents have access to the roster through daily notices, Farm noticeboard, College Chatter and via email and parents can also access the information in the fortnightly College Chatter. 


Daniel de Beer

Farm Manager


Madison Corsini

Assistant Farm Manager