Student Wellbeing 

Paul Lock

Wellbeing Coordinator

Positive Culture Reward

As the school year is coming towards an end and there is pressure to complete projects, assignments and exams, the rewards event gives most students the opportunity to relax and unwind. The event rewards students’ positive contribution to school culture and is open to students with zero or very low number of demerit points during Term 4 and is usually about three quarters of the students. This term we will be travelling to the Northam Aquatic Centre on November 16 for a few hours of swimming, slides and a BBQ. A Consent2Go will be send out to those invited.

PARTY Program

The third, and final, PARTY program visit to Midland Hospital will occur this Thursday. This hard-hitting immersive experience, challenges students to recognise and assess their own lifestyle risks and make judgements to ensure their safety, and that of others. The Midland Hospital staff have been very complimentary of the behaviour and engagement of students in the first two groups.


As we are almost at a ten week break for most students, I encourage students, parents and carers to be familiar with the headspace service.  

Headspace provides information, support and services to young people, aged 12-25 years, and their families and friends across Australia. Headspace welcomes and supports young people of any ethnicity, culture, faith, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Headspace provides a range of services to improve your health and wellbeing with services covering four core areas: mental health and wellbeing, physical and sexual health, work and study support; and alcohol and other drug services’.


How headspace Can Help - for Young People | headspace 


The service is free and can provide ongoing support to rural and remote people throughout the year.

Student Council Leadership Camp 

Our Student Councillors will have a one day and night leadership camp in Perth on November 8 to enhance their communication and organisational skills so that they can best represent the wider student body. Consultant, Jarrod Kaylor-Thomson, from The Growth Hunting Company has been engaged to run the event.


And last but certainly not least we have started a WACoA Cunderdin ‘Cundy Mos’ Movember team to fundraise for Men’s mental health and wellbeing. Students were given the opportunity to start early and come back from holidays with a start on their Mo but now it’s crunch time. To keep their Mo at school (and briefly skirt around the Student Code of Conduct) students need to meet the following conditions.

  • Join the Cundy Mos team and start with at least $10 in fundraising
  • Keep a neat Mo, not beard, for the month of Movember. 

More info on Movember here 


Movember - About Us - The Movember Foundation


Please consider contributing to the fundraising. Watch for social media posts to see how.


Paul Lock

Wellbeing Coordinator