From the Principal 

Rural educational excellence through innovation, passion and collaboration


Ngala kaadatj nidja Nyoongar Ballardong Boodja

We acknowledge this is Nyoongar Ballardong Country

It is safe to say that this term is flying by. It has been great to see our Year 11s make the most of their remaining few weeks left of this year, with a large number of our students finishing up in only two and a half weeks' time! 


Students who haven't been signed off, Cert III and our ATAR students are scheduled to return for parts of the following week (Week 7). I encourage these students and families to familiarise themselves with this schedule and their obligations. 


For students who were successful in gaining a place in any of our Certificate III courses, it is important they fully commit to completing these courses (in full) next year. Some students who applied were unsuccessful in gaining a spot, so I ask that any students who may question their commitment to these courses are encouraged to advise us ASAP. 


Wishing our ATAR students all the very best in their WACE Exams which commenced on Tuesday this week. Good luck!

WA Education Awards 2023 Finalist

On Friday of last week, we were announced as a finalist in this year’s Department of Education Awards for ‘Excellence in Teaching and Learning (secondary)’. 


It is fantastic to see our College being recognised at the highest of levels for providing robust, relevant and engaging educational programs that set our students up for post-school success. Our result each year speak for themselves, and this is testament to not only our facilities and resources at hand, but our dedicated and committed staff.

Australian Training Awards Finalists

Over the last few weeks, we have been engaging in the judging process for the upcoming ceremony for the Australian Training Awards. To say the panel was impressed is an understatement. Madison Corsini and I will be travelling to Hobart in November for the presentation ceremony – wish us luck!


It seems that COVID still remains amongst us, with quite a few of our students recently testing positive for COVID. Please monitor your child's symptoms, test if you can and keep them home when unwell. It is important we do our best to keep COVID, colds and flu out of our boarding facility as much as possible. 

Drought Resilience Challenge Results

Pictured: Charlie, Corey and Daniel
Pictured: Charlie, Corey and Daniel

Congratulations to Corey Childs (3rd place), Daniel May (2nd place) and Charlie Gibbons (1st place) who took out this year's Drought Resilience Challenge.


A huge thank you to the South-West WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub and GGA for their partnership with this great initiative. It has provided interested students an opportunity to think innovatively about ways we can continue to combat hotter, drier and more variable seasons, and the calibre of submissions was fantastic. Good luck with the Interschool Challenge, Charlie! 

Valedictory Ceremony


Wishing everyone a fantastic day at next Friday's Valedictory Ceremony. I am extremely disappointed I am unable to be a part of this celebration (due to being overseas for my sister's wedding) and wish our graduates a very special day indeed.  

World Teacher's Day

Last Friday we celebrated 'World Teacher's Day'. We believe that all of our staff here at Cunderdin Ag are 'teachers' in their own right and have a significantly positive impact on our students each and every day. 


Thank you to all of our wonderful staff!

Matt Dowell
