
Updating your Contact Details

Does our College have your most up to date contact details? If not, please contact us on 5150 4800 so we can update our records. Please include student/s name, parent/carer’s name, address, phone numbers, email address and emergency contact details. 


Please remember to contact our College whenever your details change.


Booklists and Parent payment arrangements for 2024

All students will be provided with a copy of the following:

  • 2024 Parent Payment details
  • Booklists for 2024 and subject selections for 2024 Year 9 to 12 students. The booklists will need to be completed no later than Friday 17th November 2023.  These can be done online at 
  • Camps Sports and Excursion Fund form

If your child has not received their pack, please ask them to contact their hub or give our College a call. 


Below are links to the above documents which can be found on our webpage,

  • Parent payment details: 
  • Booklists: 
  • CSEF Form: 

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our College on 5150 4800.