Community News

Invitation to attend a geothermal energy public information session
Gippsland has a geothermal resource that has been known for decades, more recent research and evidence from the Traralgon aquatic centre confirms that it’s a world class and sustainable resource, ideal for replacing mains gas.
Mains gas is currently used to heat facilities in the West Bairnsdale area, which comes at an ever-increasing cost to the schools, swimming pool, the hospital, residents and East Gippsland Shire Council.
You are invited to attend a geothermal public information session, on Wednesday 15 November between 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm at the Forge Theatre, 80 McKean St, Bairnsdale to hear more about the project.
Council has engaged the University of Melbourne and specialist engineers to investigate options for using the warm ground water aquifer (geothermal) for heating and cooling systems at its Bairnsdale Aquatic and Recreation Centre (BARC) and nearby large energy-using sites.
The ability to generate thermal energy from a near zero emission and sustainable resource could potentially provide a massive reduction in on-going utility costs and carbon emissions.
Listen to a presentation by Dr Graeme Beardsmore from Melbourne University’s School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, and ask questions of the panel during a Q&A session.
Topics will include:
- What is geothermal energy?
- What is being investigated for the BARC precinct?
- Outline of the Gippsland Regional Aquatic Centre (GRAC) in Traralgon and Morwell’s proposed Smart Geothermal Industrial Loop (SGIL)
- What are the opportunities for geothermal energy in the broader East Gippsland?
A technical team will be on hand to answer audience questions.
There is no need to RSVP. All welcome. Further information is on the Your Say project site.
More information: Rebecca Lamble, Sustainability Officer