Principal's Message

Good morning and welcome to week 6. This week has been an unusual one with Tuesday being the public holiday. Monday was a day of professional development for all staff - and what a day it was! Team building and challenging yourself to be outside your comfort zone was the purpose. Given the size of our staff, it is too easy for a staff member to become 'locked' into their space in our College and not being connected to other staff from different areas. Hence teams were built and the day of rotating activities began.
There were some spills and thrills and some fabulous achievements accomplished. Right at the end of the day, as staff gathered in the shade we still had a staff member tackling the sky bridge across the lake. When I could see all staff cheering and encouraging, shouting support and applauding achievement, then I was a very comfortable that our purpose had been achieved.
We have had our 2024 year 12 students on camp this week at Camp Coolamatong. The main purpose of the camp is to team build, bring the group together as a cohort that will continue to thrive and support each other through the year 12 journey. Plus, teachers get to work closely with their class for next year and prepare for the 2 weeks of headstart to follow the camp. We all know the journey for our year 12 students and it has started.
The feedback from the camp has been positive. The students have responded well to the program, and have related well to each other and the staff – developing relationships that will hold them in good stead for 2024.
Our Headstart programs begins for all our students soon – please be aware that this is coming up quickly and your child will need to have their head around how it is all going to work. All students will roll into the next year level, their new classes and meet their new teachers. It is also the opportunity for any potential class errors to be ironed out. Please check the upcoming events page for dates.
Last week our 2024 College Captains were announced. Congratulations to:
College Captains – Lara and John
College Vice Captains – Taj and Darcie
We wish you all the very best in your new role and we look forward to seeing all that you achieve in 2024!
Its been a big week as always and we look forward to the adventures of the weeks to come.
Thanks for reading. Always happy to chat – just make an appointment.
Trudie Nagle
Executive Principal