Library News

"The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library

Albert Einstein

Great to see so many children reading books and sharing their love of reading with each other. Our library is a hive of activity, with children buzzing about their favourite books, and readily engaging with some of our most famous Australian authors.

Our parent helpers have also been busy with processing new resources for our children to use in their classrooms as well as texts that can be borrowed. I know I owe so much to these amazing volunteers, who give up their time. Know that you are loved!

We have some budding librarians in Foundation class.

Our Foundation students have been enjoying Aaron Blabey books. Click here for some online versions we've enjoyed. Here's the rap version of Pig 

Year One students loved listening to this version of a favourite Mem Fox book, 'Where is the Green Sheep?'

The Year 2-6 children are also stepping up in their borrowing, which is fantastic to see! We've been discovering some new thinking tools to help with our reading and research.


Please remember to remind your child/children to return their books on their scheduled library day. Scheduled classes take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please see the table below for when your child/children's classes take place.

9-10Year 3/4Year 5/6
10-11Year 2/3Year 4/5
11:40-12:40Year 1Foundation                                  

It has also been fabulous to see so many of our students borrowing books and placing them in their Sacred Heart library bags. Below is a photo of our library bags, which students would have received when they enrolled. Some of our older students may not have these. They are available at the uniform shop