Classroom News

Foundation News
Count, Count, Count with Me!
In Maths this past week or so we have been looking closely at the numbers 1-10, and the many different ways we can count. Using whiteboards, counters and dice, students have been enjoying learning the many different ways we can write and display numbers. We even got the dice out!!
Upcoming News
Two dates we would love you to keep free (and which you are warmly welcome to attend) are;
# our Whole School Assembly with the Year 1's and Foundation sharing their learning! ~ Thursday 20th March @ 2.40pm.
# Morning Mass with our Year 5 / 6 buddies in the Church Tuesday 25th March @ 9.10am.
Year One
Another fun week of learning in Year 1. We have been partitioning 10 in two ways. We used double sided counters to help us find the different combinations. The counters were a hit! I think they will become a new favourite in our classroom.
Parish Mass - Tuesday 18th March at 9am. We will be attending with the Grade 4/5s so please feel free to come along
Assembly - Next Thursday is our assembly! We will be presenting with Foundation.
Year 2/3
Welcome to week 7 YAY. What a FANTASTIC job the children all did last week at our class assembly well done to all. This week we enjoyed a class Mass with class 3/4. This will be happening each term. It was great to see families attend church with us. Have an awesome weekend and take care in this heat.
Year 3/4
This week the students in Y3/4 went to Mass with the Y2/3 students. Last week the Y3/4 studen worked together to write the Prayers of the Faithful, which we shared with the parishioners at Mass on Tuesday.
Reader: We pray that Pope Francis is getting better, and for the church leaders to work together for a peace filled world.
Lord, hear us.
All: Lord, hear our prayer.
Reader: We pray for the countries who are at war, that the leaders allow peace to be restored in their countries.
Lord, hear us.
All: Lord, hear our prayer.
Reader: We pray for the poor people, may they have enough money and support from the community to provide for their families
Lord, hear us.
All: Lord, hear our prayer.
Reader: We pray for the community helpers who help the homeless people.
Lord, hear us.
All: Lord, hear our prayer.
Reader: We pray for those students who will be participating in NAPLAN in the next two weeks. Lord, hear us.
All: Lord, hear our prayer.
The Y3/4 students have been learning how to be safe online. Students were asked to create a poster to let other students know how to be safe online. These posters have been displayed in the classroom, the corridor and stairs upstairs, so as you are walking around the school stop and check out what you should do to be safe online.
Year 4/5 and Year 5/6
A huge congratulations to our Year 5 students for successfully starting their NAPLAN tests! Their focus and dedication have been impressive, and we are so proud of their efforts. A big well done also goes to our Year 4 and 6 students for their flexibility and cooperation with the changes to the timetable this week. They have continued to complete their work with great skill and commitment, showing true resilience. Keep up the fantastic work, everyone!