P and F News 


The Holy Trinity Parents and Friends (P and F) is a group of parents that come together to help build a strong school community by fostering collaboration between families, teachers and students. We support the school through fundraising initiatives such as the annual Easter Fair, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls and the Holy Trinity Race Day. This gives us the opportunity to give back to the school by contributing to playground upgrades, purchasing uniforms for different sporting groups and the overall beautification of the school. We aim to meet twice a term, at the school, with our wonderfully supportive Principal Jilly, to plan events and discuss current school matters. We would love to have some new members on our committee. You don’t have to attend every meeting if it doesn’t work for you, or if meetings are not your thing, we always need help with our events. If you’d like any more information please don’t hesitate to call our current president,

Edwina Mill on 0404854364. We’d love to see you!!


Please note a change in our AGM:

Our AGM is on Thursday 27 March at 5:30pm in the primary staff room.

Next Easter Fair Planning Meeting is Wednesday 19 March at 5pm in the Library.

School Advisory Council News

We welcome two new members to our Advisory Council

Mrs Carly McMahon and Mr Aaron Childs. They join Mr Nick Butcher (Chairperson),

Mrs Tiffany Hoscher (Secretary), Mr Bryce Thomson, Mr Geoff Mill and Mrs Tisha George.

We are looking forward to a positive and productive year.