from the Assistant Principals  

Mrs Cathy Koch

Mrs Jacqueline Wait

Around the school...


Term Focus: Being Ready to Learn

“People have a better day because I am here as part of the HTS team.” 

All staff, all students, all of the time have a better day because I am here as part of the HTS team. Students are provided with time to reflect on these words through the lens of our Living Well, Learning Well Framework as we ask the question - What have you done today to make it better for others? 

Our assemblies are a true celebration of student achievement across our faith, academic and wellbeing areas. We gave out awards to many students across all grades who are demonstrating positive choices and actions. These students are showing us what it looks like to live by our school's 'Rules for Living' each day, and we're very proud of them.


We commend our students on their outstanding efforts and we look forward to further developing Living Well, Learning Well in action with our families. Some conversation points to help promote this at home may include:

  • Did you see anyone being respectful to others today? What did that look like?
  • Did anyone do something kind for you today? 
  • Did you do something kind for someone else?
  • Who are the people at school that make you feel cared for?
  • Did you try anything new today, even if it was hard?
  • What's something you did today that you're proud of?
  • How do you know you are growing as a learner?

SMART WATCHES - staff have indicated that these are becoming a distraction.  These should NOT be used in the playground, classrooms or anywhere at school. The HTS device policy describes procedures around this.

Please note SMART watches will not be permitted in the classrooms during NAPLAN tests. We strongly encourage parents to keep these at home over the coming weeks. 



We would like to wish our students GOOD LUCK  in their NAPLAN tests.

The National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests will commence this week on Wednesday and Thursday for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 and continue next week.

 The assessments are an opportunity for students to demonstrate their learning. Along with their classwork, teachers use these results to meet the individual literacy and numeracy needs of all students. There are four tests covering Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and Numeracy.

Your child will do the NAPLAN tests online

Online NAPLAN tests provide precise results. The tests are tailored (or adaptive), which means that each test presents questions that may be more or less difficult depending on a student’s responses. This helps students remain engaged with the assessment. 

Tailored testing allows a wide range of student abilities to be assessed and measures student achievement more precisely. A student’s overall NAPLAN result is based on both the number and complexity of questions they answer correctly. Your child should not be concerned if they find questions challenging; they may be taking a more complex test pathway. 

All Year 3 students will complete the writing assessment on paper.

What if my child is absent from school on NAPLAN test days? 

We will arrange for students who are absent at the time of testing to complete missed tests at another time during the planned test schedule.

What can I do to support my child?

Students are not expected to study for NAPLAN. You can support your child by reassuring them that NAPLAN is a part of their school program and reminding them to do their best. Staff have ensured students are familiar with the types of questions in the tests and will continue to provide appropriate support and guidance. 

Families will receive a written report of their child's achievement when marking is completed through the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). Results will be outlined across 4 areas: Needs Support, Developing, Strong or Exceeding. 


Student Leaders

A huge shout out to our Year 6 student leaders who are doing a wonderful job leading and organising our assemblies each week! They shine bright each day and are positive role models for the younger members of our school. They value, respect and care for our school by taking on their many responsibilities with pride and enthusiasm. Thank you students - People have a better day because you are here as part of the HTS team! 


Harmony Day

Thursday 20 March

K-6 students will participate in activities that celebrate our multicultural diversity and promote inclusivity. Next Thursday K - 2, 3 - 4 and 5 - 6  are invited to wear a touch of orange with their school uniform, or colours or shirts of other countries to join in the spirit of the day. Activities such as music, crafts, foods, sport, geography and language from various countries will be a focus on the day. 

Assembly Award Recipients

Congratulations to the following students who have received awards at assemblies.


Week 6:

John Boland, Dominic O'Connell, Maliyah Hogan, Logan Butler, Callum Gleeson, Hamish Hollingworth, Madison Worgan, Austin Vickery, Evie Gallgher, Allegra Thomson, Tatum Ria, Lottie O'Connor, Ethan Leader, Ned Morris, Amelia Cleal, Mia David, Isla Pordage, Toby Crichlow, Blake Schwark, Eliza Goodwin, Nixon Fisher, Blakely Ria, Maddi Waddell, Theodore McBean, Knoz Mathers, Addison Brown, Liam Lawson, Porsche Lloyd, Maggie Sweeney, Alice Hoscher, Chloe Younger, Jayce Fenton, Christian Bosco, Miles Simpson, Charlize Collins, Athena McBean, Charlotte Moore, Hanna Balili, Hunter Davidson, Liam Guest, Carter Cumming, Lela Bischoff, Will Bloch and Audrey Stewart. 


Week 7:

Polly King, Sophie Clarke, Thea Kimmince, Oscar Keating, Eva Roberts, Hollie Hoskins, Vivienne Shepherd, Hudson Portass, Pippa White, Quinn Ehsman, Austin Butler, Ollie Sayer, Henry Heckendorf, Toby Schiller, Archer Jones-Devlin, Thomas Stanborough, Harrison Fenton, Mason Keating, Sophia Boland, Maggie Pennington, Zara Caskey, Caine Macey, Leo Hollingworth, Felix Lee, Chayce Ridley, Harriet Guilfoyle, Rasik Aryal, Rigzin Tshogyal, Fletcher Stevens, Henry Schiller, Tilba Adams, Zahli Colley, Luka Reynolds, Harley Horwood, Sophie Wait, Dustin Hollingsworth, Zara De Stefani, Lexi Page, Ethan Panda, Aiden Santhosh, Henry Sayer, Millie Maddigan, Aleirah Goodwin, Leo Schiller, Cali O'Connor, Tom Ditchfield and Digby Brazier. 

General Permission Notes / Information Updates / Media Release Forms / Attendance at Sacred Heart Church

Parents are asked to consent via Compass if they have not already done so. We appreciate the prompt return of these essential documents.

Upcoming Dates:

Friday, March 21 - Year 2-6 Cross Country (at Complex). Further information and consent is now available via Compass. 


Tuesday, March 25 - K-6 Family Conferences for all families not involved in Personalised Planning meetings. Family conferences provide a valuable way for teachers and families to speak about how your child is progressing at school. Family Conferences are held in the hall from 3:30 pm. A Compass notification will be sent out when bookings are available. 

K-6 Teaching Staff 

Robyn Ditchfield KD

Erin Muggleton KM

Laurelle Wales 1W

Tania Moore 1M

Carmel McCosker 2M

Cath Doyle 2D

Terri-Lea Selig 3S

Elissa Murphy 3M

Casey Lea 4L

Amanda White 4WL

Cath Lane 4WL

Peter Baz 5B

Kate McCosker 6M

Courtney Fleming 5F

Jaide Daniels 6D

Aimee Gaias 6G

Sam Gleeson  RFF + Sport

Maryann Wilson RFF

Katrina Morris RFF

Madlen Heap RFF + EALD

Staff Email Addresses

Mr Peter Baz

Mrs Jaide Daniels

Mrs Robyn Ditchfield

Mrs Cath Doyle

Miss Courtney Fleming

Mrs Aimee Gaias

Mrs Samantha Gleeson

Mrs Madlen Heap

Mrs Catherine Lane

Mrs Casey Lea

Miss Carmel McCosker

Miss Kate McCosker

Mrs Tania Moore

Mrs Katrina Morris

Mrs Erin Muggleton

Mrs Elissa Murphy

Mrs Terri-Lea Selig

Mrs Laurelle Wales

Mrs Amanda White

Ms Mary Ann Wilson