Mrs Mary-Jane Guest


6G Mass

This Friday, 14 March, 6G will lead the Primary Mass at Sacred Heart Church.The class wrote the Prayers of Faithful and chose the songs for the Mass. All family and friends are welcome to attend the Mass on Friday at 9:30am at Sacred Heart Church.

School Mass Times

Please note that school Mass times are 9:30am at Sacred Heart Church. Please remember that hot beverages are not to be brought into the church.

Why Lent?

In the early Church Lent originated as a time of repentance for those preparing for baptism. Having experienced the call to conversion, those seeking initiation into the Christian community resolved to turn away from sin and embrace a gospel life. They were baptised at the Easter Vigil. Today, the six week period of Lent is a time of repentance and renewal for the whole Church. It is a time when we prayerfully take stock of our lives, turn away from all lifestyle habits that contradict the Gospel and renew our commitment to Christ and each other.

The season of Lent begun last Wednesday, on Ash Wednesday. Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and giving to others. Through prayer, we come closer to God so that we are better able to realise our baptismal promise to live justly as Jesus teaches us. Fasting joins us in solidarity with the poor who often have no choice but to go without basic needs such as food, water and shelter. Giving to the poor or ‘almsgiving’ is a sign of our commitment to justice and our thanks for all that God has given us.

Each class has been given a Project Compassion Box where students are encouraged to make donations to help those in other countries.

Fish Day on Ash Wednesday

Thank you to all those who ordered lunch on our Fish Day last Wednesday. Mrs Adams and the team in the canteen received over 270 orders for the day! The students across the school all enjoy the options for lunch and the day was well supported. Some of these items are avaliable on the Spriggy Schools App during Lent. Thank you to the Year 10 students who helped in the canteen preparing the lunches and serving.

Christian Living Day

The Young Lasallian Youth team will be joining us at HTS next week to run our Christian Living Days. Year 10 will be on Wednesday 19 March, Year 7 on Thursday 20 March. Both these days are at school, students are encouraged to wear plain clothes and they can order chicken and chips for lunch!

Lasallian Youth Ministry offers opportunities for young people to discover the fullness of life through innovative experiences of faith, service and community. It aims at empowering young people to use their gifts in the service of others. These Christian Living Days are an important part of our school mission and towards the care of the spiritual welfare of each student.  Holy Trinity was founded by the De La Salle Brothers, and the Lasallian team are very happy to be rebuilding our school’s connection with the De La Salle community.

A note with further information has been added to Compass.

Sacred Heart  Weekend Mass Times

6:00pm Saturday evenings

9:00am Sunday mornings

For the Calendar

Term 1 2025

Friday 14 March

- 6G Mass  9:30am at SHC

Wednesday 19 March

- Year 10 CLD

Thursday 20 March

- Year 1 CLD

Friday 21 March

- No Mass

Friday 28 March

- 4L Mass 9:30am at SHC

Friday 4 April

- 2D Prayer Celebration 9:30am at SHC

Friday 11 April

- Easter Liturgy at HTS TTBC



Have a great week, God Bless

Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator