Whole School News

RPS Athletics Carnival (Grades 3-6 )

We have exciting news! This year, we will be hosting a Grade 3-6 Athletics Carnival on Friday 7th March, at the Willinda Park Athletics Track. This day will be used to select our athletics team to represent RPS at the District Athletics Day on Thursday 27th March.


To ensure the day is a success, we are seeking parent volunteers to assist with various roles throughout the event. All volunteers will need a Working with Children’s Card and need to complete 2025 school induction form. 


Please email kelli.zealley@education.vic.gov.au if you are able to assist.


Thank you for your support, and we look forward to a fantastic day of athletics!


SRI News

Special Religious Instruction (Christianity) classes will be offered again this year. Parent permission forms for SRI have been sent home and are also available at the Office. We are waiting for a few more registrations, so now hope to begin on Monday March 17th after school from 3.45 – 4.15pm. Apologies for the delayed start. Classes run weekly and the sessions explore the beliefs and values of Christianity through stories from the Bible, with games and activities to help us think and make it fun. Our aim is to cater for all ages, Prep to Grade 6, with some time allocated for age appropriate discussion and activities. If anyone has any questions about the SRI program, please don’t hesitate to give me a call.


Cathie Clarke

SRI (Christianity) Team Leader

Ph: 9459 2278 or 0411 883 904

Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)

Students Of The Week

Congratulations to our fantastic leaders of learning last week!


Term 1 - Week 4


1S - Isla S

1W - Gia D

2K - Ava S

2J - Liam R

2P - Sucdi A

3/4Y - Olivia J

3/4R - Abigail F

3/4V - Josh W

4/5B - Mim H

5/6A - Mustafa N

5/6D - Angela A

5/6T - Dinithi W