Assistant Principal's Report

Whitehorse PS - District Swimming Team 

On Wednesday February 19th, our dedicated team of 11 swimmers proudly represented Whitehorse PS at the District Swimming Carnival. Competing in a variety of individual and relay events, our team made up of Grade 4, 5 and 6 students showcased outstanding enthusiasm, determination, and school spirit. They did a fabulous job representing our school. 

A special congratulations goes to Morgan in Grade 6, who delivered an impressive performance in her individual events and qualified for the Divisional Swimming Carnival in both backstroke and freestyle. She competed on Monday, 3rd March, and continued to represent Whitehorse PS very well coming 5th in her events.

A huge thank you to all the parents who came along to support our swimmers, we appreciate your time and efforts.

Well done to our 2025 Swim team:

Nathan E, Oscar S, Ivy C, Lyla C, Morgan F, Annabel H, Emily L, Natalie M, Lily N, Evie S, Arav S, Emily S and Xavier S.