SAKG - Garden

Thank you to those families that came to the recent working bee. It was a lovely warm morning. We moved lots of mulch and the garden is looking fresh and green again. It was such a successful morning. We will definitely be holding another one later in the year. 


Rainbow corn

You may have seen or heard the news about the beautiful rainbow corn that is being harvested from the garden this term. This corn is called “glass gem corn” and the kernels do look like coloured gems or beads. We will be drying the corn for popcorn and to be ground into flour for baking. Learning and experiencing the full circle of corn growing has been an eye-opening experience for the children. We have raised the seed, planted the seedlings, watered, weeded, fertilised the plants as they have grown. Now we are watching the silks turn brown so we know its time to harvest. Then we will dry the cobs ready for pop corn and grinding into flour. Then the reward is enjoying eating it in kitchen class.

“Glass Gem Corn is an American heirloom flint corn, or maize. It is a variety of Glass gem corn can be eaten. It is a popping corn which can be popped like any other popcorn. It can also be parched, and ground into cornmeal. The meal can be made into polenta, grits, or anything else for which cornmeal can be used.

This corn is also decorative. It maintains its translucent, rainbow colors when dried and is used in fall people call "Indian corn" and is considered unique due to its rainbow colouring.” (Wikipedia,,)