Early Learning Centre

Miss Jessica
Ms Katrina
Miss Jacqui
Miss Kristen
Miss Jessica
Ms Katrina
Miss Jacqui
Miss Kristen

Our Learning 

During this fortnight in the 3-and 4-year-old kindergarten, the children have been undertaking learning in the following areas:

Pre-Reading :  

Children begin to recognising their names through the use of name tags

Children begin to recognise the first letter of their name and the sound it makes

Children demonstrate comprehension of a story through discussions


Children engage in mark-making 

Children strengthen fine motor muscles through activities: Playdough, LEGO, peg boards and tongs

Children engage in physical play that promotes core strength and crossing the midline


Children explore shape identification: Square, circle, rectangle, triangle (extension- Pentagon, diamond, semi-circle) 

Children explore language that describes textures- (hard, soft, rough, smooth, spikey, bumpy, squishy)  

Children continue to explore colour recognition

Inquiry : Exploring the unit of Inquiry: All About Me

Children draw self portraits

Children discuss with peers their likes, dislikes and commonalities 

Children name and locate body parts through the use of songs

Social & emotional learning

Children begin to work in small groups

Children are recognising their emotions and beginning to use the Zones of Regulation.

Celebration of learning

Enrolments for free 3 and 4 year old sessional kindergarten. 

Enrol through Casey Council for Hillsmeade Kindergarten. 

Long Day Care enrolments with kindergarten is through the ELC office.

You can contact the ELC or pop in for a visit for enrolment inquires.

Phone: 9704 6313 - Option ELC

Email: elc@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au