This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
We’re getting closer to having all our Junior classrooms fully restored! This week, the final pieces of furniture will be returned, and all resources will be placed in classrooms, ready for Friday. Like you, we are beyond excited to welcome our Juniors back to their beautifully refurbished spaces next week. It’s been a long and challenging process, but the end result has made it all worthwhile—every cloud has a silver lining!
It was wonderful to see some St James families at the Founders Day Mass on Sunday. A heartfelt thank you to Chris and Tony for their incredible contributions to our community over the years and well done to our Year 6 Leaders for sharing their story so eloquently. As always, Fr Dispin delivered a beautiful sermon. It was a joy to come together as a broader community, however, he mentioned that he had hoped to welcome more families from both schools to receive the message of gratitude for the work that our Founders have provided us over the many years.
Parent Parent Function
We are looking forward to our Prep Parent Function from 6:30pm - 8:30pm at Mr Fox tomorrow, Tuesday 25 February. A friendly reminder, Prep parents who haven’t yet registered or completed payment, please do so via Operoo or visit the school office. We will also accept cash payment on the night.
Student Stay at Home Day
As mentioned last week, we are hoping that you will be able to facilitate the final step in restoring the flood affected classrooms by keeping your child home this Friday 28 February. If your child is unable to stay at home and requires supervision at school, please ensure that you complete the Operoo form that was sent last week. MACSEYE will be operating as normal, providing before and after school care on the day.
Marathon Club
If your child is in Grade 3-6 and would like an energetic start on Wednesdays, you may like to join the St James Marathon Club. Students run laps around the school and enjoy a light breakfast from 7:30am - 8:30am. If you would like to sign your child up, forms are available at the office to complete. There is a cost of $15 per term which is payable at the office.
Special Food Day
Thursday 6th March is our first special food day for the year. Please ensure you have downloaded the new CDF Pay app and get your order in by this Wednesday 26 February!
Parent Helper Course
Just a reminder that Louise Matthews and Josh Crowe will be holding a Parent Helper Training Session on Wednesday 19 March . There will be a morning and an evening session held. Please email OR if you would like to attend.
Wedding Congratulations
This weekend, our Year 2C teacher, Dani Callanan, is getting married! We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dani and her soon to be husband, Dan, and wish them a lifetime of love, happiness, and good health. Wishing them a truly magical day and a beautiful journey together ahead!
We enjoyed a special presentation this morning with the whole school ahead of their wedding day.
Parents & Friends Association Update
Movie Night
The Grade 4 Parents have come together very quickly and will have further details out soon with regards to the School Movie night. Thanks for those that have jumped on board, it’s greatly appreciated in what is sure to be a great night.
Keep Friday 21 March free !
P & F Meeting – Thursday 13 March at 6pm.
We are still in need for Volunteers for the P & F this year and will be having our first P&F Meeting on Thursday 13 March at 6pm.
If you are at all interested in contributing or helping out, please come along. As with all things, the more people we have helping out, the easier it is on all, and the more enjoyable the whole experience is for all. There are a range of things that we provide support for, for your child, so if you can spare some time to assist, it will be greatly appreciated.
If you are at all interested, please email
Friday Treats
Icy Poles are back for Friday Treats this term! Icy poles are available on Friday afternoons at recess from the community centre for 50c each.
Follow up webinar with Carley McGauran - Managing Big Feelings Webinar
Last year, Carley shared valuable insights with our parent community. In this session, she’ll provide even more practical strategies to help parents and children navigate big emotions with greater ease.
📅 When: 7:30 PM Thursday, 6 March ⏳ Duration: 75 minutes Who: Prep - Year 2
🔗 Register now:
Once registered, you’ll receive an email with the link to join the webinar. Don’t miss this opportunity to build on what you learned and gain new tools to support your child’s emotional well-being!
Family Relationship Webinar
Ringwood Family Relationship Centre will be hosting a Webinar on Wednesday 26th February at 1pm to let you know about the service.
If you are interested in joining us please register via the link on the attached flyer.
As the warm weather continues this week, please continue to remind your child about keeping sunsmart as we will at school too!
Have a wonderful week ahead.