Level 1: Connect
Suzanne Condran (1A), Kylie Clarke (1A Fridays), Robyn Sutton-Hall (1B) and Leon Tremain (1C)
Level 1: Connect
Suzanne Condran (1A), Kylie Clarke (1A Fridays), Robyn Sutton-Hall (1B) and Leon Tremain (1C)
Welcome once again to our Level 1 newsletter. We trust you have all had a lovely fortnight.
Hopefully, you and your child have spent some quality time together working on some of the homework tasks on offer over the past two weeks.
Our Level 1 students have all settled in beautifully as we near the end of week 4. We have been impressed with their levels of independence and enthusiasm for their school work.
Yesterday, students brought home their take-home decodable books. Moving forward, students will take home two new books every Friday. The expectation is that these will be read daily (and noted in the school diary please) over the week. These books should be easy for your child to read as they should be practising their fluency and accuracy. If you would like some extra work, please see the inside the front or back cover, as some books have comprehension questions or words to decode and read. Books should be returned each Friday and students will choose two new ones to take home.
Thank you for you support with this.
Level 1 Homework Matrix #2
Homework Viewing Instructions:
Thanks parents for your support with your Level 1 child's homework. Just a reminder that we really only want to see your child's work in their books, even though your assistance, where necessary, is much appreciated. It's been great hearing all the stories about the students' enthusiasm and excitement for their homework tasks over the past fortnight. It was also wonderful seeing so many homework books handed in today (Friday) with lots of fabulous work completed. Books were returned back to students today complete with teacher signatures and a new matrix for the next fortnight.
Please see the button above for an electronic copy of this fortnight's homework.
Hats must be worn this term! UV has been quite high. No hat means no play in the sunny spots. Students will be asked to sit in the shady spot at the front of the school. Students are more than welcome to leave their hats in their bag tubs overnight at school if this helps.
Sunscreen- teachers are unable to provide or apply sunscreen unfortunately. We suggest that you apply sunscreen on at home in the morning, if needed. You can also pack sunscreen in your child's bag and they can apply it before they go outside.
We encourage students to enjoy a fruit/vegetable snack at 10 am every day. We find this helps the students to stay energised and focused.
Jewellery is not permitted at SEPS apart from small stud earrings and non-Smart watches. Please ensure your child does not wear any other form of jewellery to school. Thank you.
Please encourage your child to go to the toilet before school upon arrival. We encourage students to go to the toilet at recess and lunch breaks to avoid them needing to go during class time.
Most importantly, now that students have had a chance to settle in, we ask that parents drop their child off at their classroom door rather than enter the classroom. We find that students tend to settle better if parents say their goodbyes at the door.
Of course, you are welcome to chat with us before school outside the classroom and after school. Please note, we have scheduled meetings on Mon-Wed after school so we have limited time to meet on those days.
Students are welcome to bring their toys to school but we kindly ask that the toys remain in their school bags during learning time to minimise distraction.
Learning for the next fortnight:
Literacy :
Hearts words: there, where, they, want, who, what.
Students have enjoyed some Maths games this week. A highlight has been the subitising card game.
Over the coming fortnight, students will continue exploring the concept of place value. This means understanding that a number such as 382 can be broken into three hundreds, eight tens and two ones. We will also be looking at skip counting by 2, 5 and 10.
Inquiry Focus: Knowing Me
This term in our inquiry lessons, students are exploring the impact of emotions on our minds and bodies. Through our unit, Knowing Me, students are investigating how emotions affect our physical responses and overall well-being. By understanding these connections, they will develop strategies to self-regulate, helping them become more focused and effective learners.
In the next two weeks, we will introduce the Zones of Regulation, a framework that supports students in identifying their emotions at different times of the day. This will empower them with the tools to recognise their feelings, manage their responses, and navigate challenges with confidence.
We look forward to seeing our students grow in their emotional awareness and self-regulation skills!
Level 1 Term 1 Specialist Timetable
Please see the Specialist section for some arty pictures of 1B from Ms Van Etten.
1A | 1B | 1C |
Science 10 am Wednesday | Science 2.30 pm Thursday | Science 12.30 pm Thursday |
PE 9 am Wednesday
| PE 10 am Wednesday | PE 2.30 pm Thursday |
Chinese 12.30 pm Thursday | Chinese 9am Wednesday | Chinese 10 am Wednesday |
Art 2.30 pm Thursday | Art 12.30 pm Thursday | Art 9 am Wednesday
Have a great fortnight. Good luck with the homework and enjoy the last few weeks of our summer sunshine!
All the best for now,
Suzanne, Robyn, Leon and Kylie