The Student Agents

This fortnight, our Student Agents came up with 2 questions they wanted to ask students at SEPS: 

  • Has someone been kind to you at school this week? Can you tell me what it was and how it made you feel?
  • What are you looking forward to this year at SEPS?
Our wonderful agents working on our newsletter.
Our wonderful agents working on our newsletter.

Foundation (Ari, Charlie and Omer)

Hi, it's Charlie and Ari and our new member Omer here. This week we are focusing on what kindness means to the foundation students. We also looked at teamwork and being in a team. Our foundation students are so excited to be a part of the newsletter and here is a photo to show what kindness looks like to them.


Level One and Two (Olivia, Norah and Charlotte)

Savannah 2B:

“Being nice when someone is hurt is what kindness means to me. I am also looking forward to school swimming.”

Oscar 2A: 

“I think kindness means sharing. Phillip from 2A gave me a second chance in a game because I was hurt and that made me feel relaxed.”

Leo 1C:

“I think kindness means that you help others and be nice. I am looking forward to picture day.”


Level Three and Four (Jack and Alby)


Q1) Has someone shown an act of kindness towards you this week?

Oscar: “My best friend helped me up when I fell over”

Q2) What are you looking forward to this year at SEPS?

Elliot: “ERP’s and projects”


Q1) Has someone shown an act of kindness toward you this week?

Noah: “I hurt myself and my friend helped me up”

Camile: “When I was playing with my friends they were nice to me”

Q2) What are you looking forward to this year at SEPS?

Rafferty: “I am looking forward to cross country this year”

Olivia: “I am excited to use my laptop”


Q1) Has someone shown an act of kindness toward you this week?

Joel: “My friend waited outside the bathroom for me”

Ashnee: “ My friend helped me up when I got hurt”

Q2) What are you looking forward to this year at SEPS?

Robel: “I am looking forward to science with Wilko this year”

Alessia: “I am looking forward to SEPS Idol” 


Q1) Has someone shown an act of kindness toward you this week?

Noah: “My friend was kind to me because he showed me some ideas for my drawings”

Charlie: “My friends held the door when I walked inside”

Q2) What are you looking forward to this year at SEPS?

Louis:” School holidays”

Chloe:: “Phillip island camp”


Q1) Has someone shown an act of kindness toward you this week?

Michael: “When I rolled my ankle my friend helped me during a game of tag, he got tagged but he didn’t care he helped me anyway”

Q2) What are you looking forward to this year at SEPS?

Jack: ”I am looking forward to playing footy with my friends and using my laptop”


Q1) Has someone shown an act of kindness toward you this week?

Will: “My friend helped me up when I fell”

Melissa: “My friends included me in a game”

Q2) What are you looking forward to this year at SEPS?

Austin: “Phillip Island camp”

Lily: “I am looking forward to student council meetings”


Level Five and Six (Evie and Sara)

Hi we are Evie and Sara we are the student agents for level 5 and 6 and we asked 2 student from 6B what kindness means to them, and what they were most excited for this year.  Here are their answers


Seino 5A

A girl in my class helped me to put my rubbish in the bin and it felt good.

I am excited for the camp.


Joey 5A

My classmate helped me to get up when I felt down.


Mila 6B

“Kindness to me can be small things like opening the door for someone, using your manners, and respecting people.”  

“I am looking forward to Canberra camp - being in cabins with my friends and just cherishing our last SEPS camp”


Florence 6B 

“Kindness to me means an act by someone who thinks deeply about other people's emotions and cares for them.”

"I am most excited for market day stalls and  running them with my friends. Also cheering on Eucalyptus Community in the athletics carnival and  competing in school sport events.


Meyra 6A

My friend was  waiting for me while I was going to the toilet, that was kindness.

I am excited for the interschool sports this year.


Lucy 6A

My friend helped me to translate the words.

I am looking forward to the Year 6 camp.


Viv 6B

Someone held the door for me while I was carrying a lot of things.

I am looking forward to the environment festivals.