Specialist Happenings

Visual Art

Here are some photos of 0A and 1B having fun exploring their own ideas using water paint and the 'Ends and Sides' of crayon mark making. We are continuing to practise our routines such as how to clean up after painting, and developing skills and art techniques such as holding a brush correctly. 


Students are also enjoying some mindfulness at the start of their lessons, helping them to be calm and focus and thus be more creative in art. Some of our mindfulness art includes play dough and scratch art. Level 2 enjoyed making some posters about 'Holiday Fun'.

Love Art!

Ms Van Etten and Ms Hemmings



Our Foundation students have been learning how to greet each other in Mandarin! They have been practising saying 你好 (nǐ hǎo) – hello and are now challenging themselves to write it in Chinese characters for the first time.

It has been wonderful to see their enthusiasm and determination as they carefully write 你好. Learning to write Chinese characters is no easy task, but our students have shown great focus and perseverance. Their first attempts at writing were fantastic, and we are so proud of their efforts!


A few weeks ago, we celebrated Chinese New Year in our Mandarin classes, welcoming the Year of the Snake with exciting activities! Our Year 3-6 students showcased their creativity through art and craft, making snake puppets and practising the traditional Chinese art of paper cutting.

It was amazing to see their enthusiasm as they carefully designed and decorated their snake puppets, bringing them to life with bright colours and intricate patterns. The students also embraced the challenge of paper cutting, crafting beautiful designs that reflect this traditional Chinese art form.



You are all amazing!

你们真棒!(Nǐmen zhēn bàng)

Miss. Low


Physical Education 

All students have continued to demonstrate positive behaviours in HPE - team work skills have been a big focus. More specifically, our Foundation students have been practising Spatial Awareness and learning different whistle formations; Level 1/2 students have been learning about Sportsmanship and Fair Play through co-operative games; Level 3/4 students have been working on their Net/Wall - Volleyball skills and Level 5/6 students have been focusing on team-building challenges.


Over the next two weeks Foundation will be learning about Sportsmanship and Fair Play through Co-operative games; Level 1/2 will be practising their locomotor skills; Level 3/4 will continue improving their volleyball skills and Level 5/6 will commence learning about net/wall racket sports.


Well done to all of the Level 4-6 students who competed in our District Try Outs last Thursday. They represented our school in a positive fashion and should be super proud of their efforts on the day!!


The district swimming carnival will be held on the 6th March at MSAC. Best of luck to those students who will be competing!  


Below is the Level 5/6 Interschool Sport timetable starting this Friday! Good luck to all sides! 


Thanks for all your hard work in P.E lessons!

Mr Davies and Mrs Foster