Level 4: Connect

Level 4 2025
Lisa Fennessy & Isabella Nocera 4A
Tilly Van & Marc Restaino 4B
Michelle Stainforth 4C
General Reminders
- Students are required to bring their hat everyday
- Students are required to bring diaries every day - these are our direct form of communication, alternatively you can email you child's teacher through the office.
- Please return signed permissions as soon as possible
- Students must bring their charged laptops to school everyday
Diary Dates
Over the past few weeks, the Level 4 students have been analysing their health wellbeing habits and things we can do in our local community that support our health and wellbeing. Students have been designing their own health plans to support their wellbeing and identify some strategies that are personal to them. We have particularly been discussing how our social and emotional health is impacted and strengthened by the relationships around us, and how we can use these connections with others to support our health.
Across the next two weeks, we will be looking at health related advertisements and media, and why it's important that we seek professional health support from trusted sources or professionals. As a cohort, we will dive into not only what health and wellbeing information we can access, but also how our choices can be used to benefit our state of health (physically, socially, and emotionally).
Inquiry Based Video: Feeling mindful? Needing a moment of calm and stillness? Try this quick 5 minute full body meditation!
Link Guided Meditation for Kids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSSu9rH9324
In literacy sessions, the Level 4 students have been unpacking the text "The Thing About Oliver", with particular focus on exploring how an author's word choice helps us visualise and understand how a character is feeling. We have put these skills into practice by focusing on our own word choice when writing, and how the use of figurative language and 'show not tell' encourages a student's writing to have detail and depth.
As we move into the next two weeks, our literacy lessons will explore the reading comprehension strategies of inferring and making connections. Inferring allows us to make conclusions about a text with the support of evidence, while connections help us link our personal knowledge and experiences to a text. By practising these strategies, students can have a more in-depth understanding of a text.
Core Literacy:
In Literacy, we have been reviewing the rule that every syllable needs a vowel in a word and no English words ends in a 'v' or 'u', they require an 'e' at the end. We have been learning that both 'c' and 'g' have two sounds. For example 'c' = can make /k/ sound or /s/ sound, then 'g' can make /g/ sound or /j/ sound all depending if they have an 'e', 'i' or 'y' after it. These are the suffixes we have been learning about for Morphology: -ful, -less, -er and -est.
In Numeracy the level four students have continued to develop their understanding of place value. They have explored renaming and rounding three and four digit numbers to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred. Through hands-on activities and problem-solving tasks, they have developed greater confidence in recognising patterns and applying their knowledge in different contexts.
Throughout the next phase of learning we will be focusing on multiplication and division, with particuliar practice towards multiplicative thinking and strategies to strengthen our mental arithmetic. Students will practise mental maths skills using strategies like repeated addition, skip counting, arrays, and breaking numbers into parts. This will help them understand multiplication and division better, solve problems more easily, and use their learning in everyday situations