Level 3: Connect
Claire Parsons 3A, Sarah Peters and Jess Steel 3B, Jenny Dare 3C
Level 3: Connect
Claire Parsons 3A, Sarah Peters and Jess Steel 3B, Jenny Dare 3C
Homework Instructions:
Usernames and Passwords for online platforms have been glued into the homework book. Blooket for Chinese does not require a username & password.
Students are responsible for bringing their homework book home and back to school every second Friday.
Week 3 and 4 saw the Level 3 students really settle into their individual learning within each classroom. As teachers, we are equally impressed with their resilience and ability to adapt to changing routines and information. All students have now received their laptops and are quickly becoming acquainted with Power Point Presentations and navigating their way around the keyboard. Please congratulate your child on the way that they have settled into the classroom routines and their eagerness to learn.
Specialist Timetable
Class | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
3A | PE, Science, Chinese | Art, Library | ||
3B | Library | Art, Chinese, PE | Science | |
3C | Chinese, PE, Art | Library | Science |
In Literacy we have been practising homophones, syllables again, the letters c and g and how a combination of letters can make different sounds. For example the combination of the two letters ge make a j sound. We have also been writing about our Corkies. They are going on such great adventures! Ask your child what is happening with their Corky.
In Maths we have been revising and learning about Place Value as well as learning about five digit numbers. We have discussed various five digit numbers and where each number fits with Place Value. In addition to that, we are practising making groups of 10s and 100s within a five digit number. We have also continued to practise NAPLAN questions by rereading to understand what the question is asking us to do and looking at strategies for when we are confused.
In Inquiry we have continued to make a Powerpoint about ourselves and by doing so we are learning new computer skills. We have become so confident on our laptops in such a short time. We have also been learning about our emotions in The Resilience Project wellbeing time.
GEM Chat - take a moment (maybe in the car or at the dinner table) and discuss the below question.