Junior School News

Junior School bell times 

Important update

In the Junior School, classrooms open at 8.30am, with teaching and learning starting promptly at 8.40am. Please note this small change from our previous start time of 8.45am. 


We appreciate your help in making sure our students get to school on time and start their day off on the right foot. 

You can find the Junior School Bell Timetable in our Back to School Toolkit here

Junior School Swimming Carnival | Clarence Aquatic Centre

Students in Years 3–6 took to the pool for their Junior School Swimming Carnival today, making a splash with outstanding participation, contagious House spirit and impressive racing. 


This event is always colorful, energetic and loud, with students chanting their House songs with gusto, cheering on their peers from the sidelines and performing to the very best of their abilities.


Well done to our sensational swimmers—you've made us so proud! Many thanks to our Junior School PE staff, volunteers and all parents and carers in attendance for helping to create such an inclusive, supportive and successful carnival for our students. 

Which House will win? Final results to come.