Welcome Families BBQ

We are excited to invite all new families in our SMC community, along with new and returning Year 7 and Junior School families, to our Welcome BBQ this Thursday 13 February.


This event is a fantastic opportunity to meet new friends, reconnect with familiar faces and enjoy some delicious food. We look forward to celebrating the start of a wonderful school year together! 


Event details: 

  • Date: Thursday 13 February
  • Time: 4.00pm–6.30pm
  • Location: College Green 


  • Food and entertainment: Enjoy BBQ food, a variety of beverages (juice, soft drinks, wine, beer and barista coffee), music and games on the College Green.
  • Connect 'refresher' sessions: Join us for a brief overview of Connect, our Learning Management System. We'll cover the basics of the system, remind you how to reset your password and log in to your account, and share tips for using Connect effectively. There will also be opportunities for questions at the end of both sessions. 
    • Session times: 4.30pm and 5.15pm (please note, you only need to attend one).
    • Location: Student Resource Centre (library).
  • Junior School 'meet and greet': Explore the Junior School classrooms, say hello to your child's teachers and see what exciting things are in store for the year. Classrooms will be open from 3.15pm–3.45pm.