Principal's Report
By Carolyn Serpell
Principal's Report
By Carolyn Serpell
Welcome to our first newsletter for the year!
After having had our first, full week of school, it has been lovely to see classes settling into their routines. While the heat has placed some limitations on our activities, we are trying to make the most of it, by substituting our outside afternoon play, with some cooler indoor activities including board games, lego and even the odd dance party! (YMCA of course!)
Tomorrow, students in Years 3-6 will have plenty of opportunity to cool down, as they participate in the annual Cluster Swimming Carnival. Many thanks to Steph for all her organisation and to those volunteers who have offered their assistance. If you can help out at all with this event, please speak to a staff member at the pool. A reminder that students will need to bring plenty of food and water for the day. During the day, students will be seated in their houses and are encouraged to come dressed in sunsmart house colours. Please also ensure your child has a sunsmart hat, two towels, a rashy, sunscreen, and a change of clothes, including something warm, should they need it, along with a plastic bag/swim bag for wet things. Labelling clothes, etc, will also make it easier to return lost items to their owner!
We are always so grateful for the support we receive from our community, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank a number of individuals and organisations for their assistance in recent time.
Over the summer, our new pergola area underwent some transformation and the grapevines are thriving in their new position. Many thanks to Lucy Vardy and family for their work over the summer. This ongoing project will eventually provide a lovely, shady seating area.
As many of you will be aware, just before school returned, we had our very own bee swarm take up residence behind our sign. A big thank you to Steve Gardiner for helping to facilitate their safe relocation to Tawonga.
Thank you also to the Mountain Monk Brewery and everyone who went along on Friday, to support our school fundraising through the Community Raffle. A big thank you to Steph and the many students who assisted with selling tickets, both at the Brewery and the cricket, and to everyone who bought a ticket. As a result of a great turn up, we raised a grand total of $759!
We would also like to acknowledge the team at Mount Beauty Foodworks and members of our community, who have contributed their points to our school. In January, we were thrilled to receive a Spirit of Community donation of $1132.31. Together, these payments will go towards the purchase of a set of new Maths Mentor texts, for teachers to use in the classroom.
Next Wednesday, 12th February, we will host a short Welcome Afternoon Tea, from 3.30 - 4.00pm. Our classes will be preparing a small treat for our families, so we hope that you can join us for this social event and take the opportunity to connect with staff and families.
Student safety at Mount Beauty is our highest priority and the safe and appropriate supervision of students is an important element of our duty of care to students. Part of this duty is ensuring parents and students are aware of our student supervision arrangements before and after school.
Before school: School grounds are supervised from 8.45am.
After school: School grounds are supervised after the end of the school day from 3.20 - 3.30pm.
Students on school grounds outside these times will not be supervised by our staff unless they are attending OSHC.
Parents/carers are requested to ensure that students do not attend school outside of these supervised times unless they are attending before or after school care, or are accompanied by a parent/carer.
Families are encouraged to contact Kath Lewinson on 0418399861 or refer to the OSHC page of this newsletter, or our website, for more information about before and after school care. Alternatively, you may also contact me at the office, on 57544354, if you would like any further information about our student supervision arrangements.
For a copy of our school’s Yard Duty and Supervision Policy, please refer to our website. This policy includes Mount Beauty Primary School’s student supervision arrangements across the school day, including before and after school.