Principals Report

Ms Stephanie Scott

Welcome to our last newsletter of the term! As I write I am surrounded by policewomen, Barbies, Scooby Doo and Wizard of Oz characters, Men in Black, Pocahontas, streamers, little yellow ducks and much, much more!! Yes, it is Yr 12 fun day - their last official day at school before farewelling them at the Graduation Assembly tomorrow! Well done Year 12 - you have been a terrific year group, and we will miss you. You have all contributed something different and unique to the school - whether it be through your community involvement or school-based apprenticeships, academic achievements, representation in a range of sports and agricultural events, musical performances or wonderful pieces of art, timber or metal work. Best of luck for your HSC and we can't wait to see you all dressed up - in formal clothes not dress-ups! - at the Yr 12 formal on November 8th.


On Tuesday this week we inducted our new school captains and school leaders and also recognised student effort and achievements for Term 3. Congratulations to Harrison and Ashah our school captains and Ellie, Paige, Lucy, Ebony, Del and Jayda who are our new school leaders - we know you are going to be wonderful representatives and role models for our school. I also want to thank our outgoing school captains  - Bridie and Jackson and leadership team, Frankie, Phoebee, Brooke, Emily and Kirah for all they have done for our school. Bridie and Frankie gave a moving farewell speech - where Bridie acknowledged the influence and passion of our much loved and missed school captain Jackson Clarke. It was very powerful.  


I hope you enjoy this edition of the newsletter where we showcase our excellent results in the Australian mathematics competition, senior students' participation in the safe driver program, our success with school-based apprenticeships and Yr 12 student Kirah Johnstons amazing achievements in VET construction, the fantastic results of Darcy and Toby Rolph at the CHS athletics carnival and a variety of engaging and interesting teaching and learning activities in the classroom. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday and we look forward to another busy and successful Term 4!