School News

During the first two weeks of Term 4, we will transition to our summer uniforms. A reminder that children have sport on Tuesday and Friday - these are the only two days that students should be in sports uniform.
Summer uniform consists of;
Hats Reminder
A reminder that all students should be wearing a hat by now for recess, lunch and any outdoor activity. The compulsory wearing of hats is part of our SunSmart Policy which can be accessed on our school website. If students do not have a hat, they will be asked not to partake in some activities and/or play in the undercover area near the bag boxes. Please ensure that all hats are named clearly and encourage your child to be responsible for their own hat by putting it in their bag when not wearing it.
Sun Smart
The UV is well and truly on the rise (even if the temperature isn’t). It is important that our school community protects itself and is sun smart. Regardless of the weather, remember to SLIP, SLOP, SLAP, SEEK and SLIDE whenever UV levels reach three or more.
- To help create a barrier between your skin and the sun's UV, SLIP on clothing that covers as much skin as possible.
- For any skin you can't cover with clothing, SLOP on SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen. Apply 20 minutes before going outside and reapply every two hours. Students are advised to bring their own sunscreen to school and apply it to themselves whenever necessary.
- Protect the delicate areas of the head and face and SLAP on a sun protective hat. Make sure it has a wide brim that provides good shade to all areas. Caps do not provide enough UV protection so are not a suitable alternative.
- Consider built, natural and temporary UV protection and encourage children to SEEK shade whenever possible. Set up activities in shaded areas.
- If appropriate for your situation, SLIDE on wrap-around sunglasses labelled AS1067 to help protect eyes from UV rays.
Community Garden
We were so excited to go to harvest our vegetables from the Inglewood Hospital Community Garden. We harvested lettuce, silverbeet, radish, parsley, spring onions and coriander. There was so much there, we were even able to take some home. This Friday we are going to cook a yummy quiche with the silverbeet and spring onions.
We were a little short on bowlers while the year 5-6's were on camp, lucky for us Fr Stephen stepped in. Nice bowling style too!!