Visit from Year 12 students from McKinnon High

On August 22, a group of Year 12 students from McKinnon High Sch took some time away from their exam preparation to come and meet with our Grade 5/6 students.  Here is what their school published in their newsletter about the event:



Recently, our Year 12 French students had the wonderful opportunity to visit Caulfield Junior College, a local bilingual French-English primary school. The day started with our students delivering a 15-minute presentation on New Caledonia, entirely in French. It was inspiring to see how confidently they tackled the topic, and the primary school students were highly engaged, asking thoughtful questions about New Caledonia and all in French.


Beyond the topic of New Caledonia, the primary students were also curious about what it’s like to be in Year 12. They asked about everything from Year 12 jumpers to whether our students could drive yet. There was a lively exchange, with our students happily sharing their experiences and insights.


Following the Q&A session, our Year 12s joined in the primary school’s morning activities, many of which were conducted in French, including a music lesson. It was a refreshing change of pace for our students, who really enjoyed interacting with the younger students. By the end of the visit, many of our Year 12s found themselves reminiscing about their own primary school days, especially with the upcoming exams on their minds."

"We’d like to extend our sincere thanks to Caulfield Junior College for their warm welcome and for providing such a valuable experience. We look forward to more opportunities like this in the future!"