Wellbeing news

You've got this!

Circle of control

In our wellbeing groups, we’re excited to introduce the "Circle of Control" concept to our students. This simple but powerful tool helps kids focus on what they can actually influence in their lives and let go of what’s beyond their control.


Circle of Control: This is all about what students can directly change or manage. It includes things like their attitude, effort in school, and how they choose to respond to different situations.


By learning to focus on their Circle of Control, students are discovering how to channel their energy into areas where they can make a real difference. This not only boosts their confidence but also helps them handle challenges with a positive mindset.


This Thursday, we celebrated R U OK? Day, a special occasion dedicated to encouraging open and supportive conversations about mental health. This day reminds us of the importance of checking in with friends, family, and colleagues, and making sure they feel heard and valued. In honour of R U OK? Day, our classes are engaging in focus activities designed to spark meaningful conversations and foster a supportive environment.


Through these activities, we hope to create a space where everyone feels comfortable reaching out and offering support to one another.


For students, learning how to support their peers and talk about how they feel is an important life lesson.  Supporting each other is at the core of our community life.


Here's a presentation aimed at Primary School students, bringing awareness, and tools to children. 

Please click on the right arrow to view the slides
Please click on the right arrow to view the slides


School attendance

We want to emphasise the importance of regular school attendance for our students. 

Here’s why it matters:

  1. Academic Growth: Every day of school builds on the last, so consistent attendance helps prevent gaps in learning and supports better academic performance.
  2. Social Skills: Regular attendance helps students develop friendships and teamwork skills, contributing to their overall social development.
  3. Routine and Responsibility: Establishing a daily routine supports responsibility and prepares students for future challenges.
  4. Emotional Well-being: Being present helps students feel connected and supported by their school community.

If your child must be absent due to illness or other reasons, please log it on Compass.

We appreciate your support in prioritising school attendance and working together for your child’s success.