Student News

End of Term 3 Music Update
Song of the Year 70s vs 2010s
In Terms 2 and 3 this year all music classes have been starting each lesson by listening and interacting with 2 songs and then voting for one of the songs. The teachers and school staff also got to vote. The winning songs have been the school’s bell music and songs were removed from the bell music when they lost.
Counting stars by OneRepublic from 2013 was the winner. Here is the link to the full chart - 2024 Best Song - 70s vs 2010s.
Term 3 assembly performers
Every Friday, assembly at Trafalgar Primary School commences with a student musical act. The students choose their songs and practice in the music studio at recess and lunch. The bands are formed by the students themselves. Their performances are self-driven and self-motivated by the students, with preparations only guided by Mr Allan and the instrumental teachers. Thank you to our Term 3 performers!
Term 3 Assembly Performers | |
Week 1 | Willow, Bella and Sienna-Rose - River |
Week 2 | Zoe and Sienna |
Week 3 | Choir -Memories (MND outside assembly) |
Week 4 | Hip hop dance performance |
Week 5 | Indonesian performance |
Week 6 | Aurora, Indi, Ellie B - Driver's License |
Week 7 | Eloise and Summer - Memories |
Week 8 | Ellyra and Phoebe - Paper Rings |
Week 9 | Alexi and Imogen - Safe and Sound |
Week 10 | Student led conferences |
Trafalgar Community Carols Wednesday 4th Dec
The Trafalgar Community Carols will be held on Wednesday 4th December at 7pm with the TPS choir performing 3 songs.
The choir meets during the second half of lunch on Thursdays. No experience is needed and there is no cost. More regular attendees are always welcome.
If you are interested in your child participating in this event, I am sending forms home and you can also contact me via email This will ensure your child is included in the choir performing at the Trafalgar Community Carols.
I will require an email confirmation from a parent or guardian in order to lock in the final choir attendees for the event.
Festival on the Lawn 2023 - Friday 6th December
Planning is going well for the 2023 Festival on the Lawn. Classes have chosen their songs and rehearsals have begun in music, drama and dance. The Early Learning Centre next door are also performing on the day and in rehearsals. The Art Department are well underway in choosing and creating pieces for the art show on the day. We have also locked in more vendors than previous years.
Student excitement is already building, and we are looking forward to running a successful event.
Here is the list of class songs chosen by the students.
End of Year instrumental concert - Thursday 12th December
The end of year Instrumental concert will be held on Thursday 12th December in the Gym. You child’s instrumental teacher will inform you and/or send home a form next term if they are prepared and willing to perform at this showcase.
GPA Silver & Bronze Award Winners
Congratulations to our latest GPA Silver and Bronze Award Winners!
Silver - Poppy Brown & Skyla Embleton
Bronze - Oliver Hill
Artists of the Week
Indonesian Awards
Congratulations Kelas P1 and P5!!!
Library Request
The School Library currently has a number of overdue library books outstanding. The holidays are a fabulous time to clean out school bags, bedrooms, bookshelves and drawers. Please check to see if you have any TPS books hiding at home and return them next term so other students can enjoy them.
Many thanks for your help!
Mrs Scouller
Sweet Treat Day
The Parents & Friends Committee would like to thank Callie from Billy & Beau Bikkies for providing 400 cookies to our school for our Sweet Treat Day this week. We would also like to thank the Junior School Council for handing them out on what ended up being a very busy day!
We hope students enjoyed their treat and had fun dressing up in their footy colours ahead of the AFL Grand final next weekend.
If you have any feedback, questions, would like to help for events, or would like to join our committee, please contact us on
The Parents & Friends Committee thank you for your support.
Breakfast Club
It has been wonderful to welcome students and families back to Breakfast Club this term! We have had so many students visit us in the mornings for delicious toasties, cereals and milos to help kick start their learning day. We are so thankful for the many generous food donations provided by the community and from our sponsors - Foodbank, IGA Trafalgar, Bakers Delight Mid Valley and Gracie’s Bakery.
Due to these donations, Breakfast Club continues to be able to support families through the provision of Care Packages. We remind families that our Traf Pantry can be found in the Gym Foyer and continues to be stocked with many excellent products, available to anyone - and they’re free! If you would like to receive a Care Package or know of a family who may benefit, feel free to drop into our School Office, see Mrs Burns or Mrs Marslen.
Donations of Jam and Milo needed, please!
Thank you again to all families who have generously donated tins of Milo to our Breakfast Club. Any extra donations of Milo, as well as jam would be greatly appreciated to support our school community!
Looking forward to seeing you for brekky!
Mrs Burns and Mrs Marslen
Breakfast Club Masterchefs