Year 4 Urban Gardening

In gardening we learnt that Spring day is on the 1st of September so all of the plants are ready to be pollinated. We planted lots of flowers for example cosmos, marigold, pansies, native trees, strawberries and lots more! We shredded used classroom worksheets which we gave to the compost group so they can put it into the compost bins. With gardening we learn to compost and recycle waste and fruit scraps. We get to plant and have fun while we help our environment and make our school a better place. We also teach B.R.P.S the 5 R’s; refuse,reuse,reduce,rot,recycle. We have put a lot of effort into our school garden and it looks beautiful.
Written by The Rakes: Emily, Ivy, Luca, Jayden and Jonah 4Z
Broadbeans Our greenhouse
During our gardening sessions we have been planting, weeding, composting and more. On Wednesdays we collect compost buckets from each classroom, clean them then we give them back. We have also done digging the dirt out around the music room and recycling the dirt for other resources. We plant flowers, dig up weeds, water the plants and shred paper which we put into our compost tumblers. We put seeds into pots which go into the greenhouse. We have plant and vegetable sales at the school.
Gardening is very sustainable and fun, you should try it out sometime too!
Written by The Lemon Limers: Fletcher, James, Lewis and Eliza 4H.
We have been growing a lot of stuff including vegetables. We planted carrots and beans and now we can watch them grow. We have been sifting the compost so that we can use fresh soil to plant more plants which we then sell at our market stall. We also shred paper to put in the compost and weeding to keep our new plants safe and healthy. Written by The Rocky Rhubarbs: Charlie M, Charlie R, Jamie, Max and Misha.
Pumpkins Nestersions Parsley