
Wellbeing Boxes in the Classroom
This term, we have introduced a Wellbeing box into each of our classrooms. These boxes are designed to enhance students' wellbeing by offering resources that promote emotional awareness and effective coping strategies. They help to create a supportive classroom environment that encourages mindfulness and builds connections among students, helping them become more resilient and feel a sense of belonging.
How Teachers Use the Wellbeing Boxes in the Classroom
Circle Time: During circle time, teachers use the Wellbeing Box to engage students with cards featuring activities and discussion prompts about various topics and feelings. This encourages open dialogue and peer support.
Breathing Exercises: Teachers guide students in practicing different breathing exercises using a breathing wheel included in the box. These techniques help students manage stress and stay calm throughout the day.
Supporting Individual Students: In one-on-one conversations, teachers encourage students to select a tool from the box. They use feelings and strategy cards to explore emotions and behaviours, providing tailored support.
Coping Strategies: Dedicated wellbeing sessions focus on teaching specific coping techniques. Teachers emphasise that different strategies work for different individuals and situations, encouraging students to find what suits them best.
Flexible Access: Students have flexible access to the Wellbeing Box throughout the day, especially during moments of stress or anxiety. Clear instructions on how to use the tools ensure that students feel comfortable accessing them.
Modelling Use: Teachers model their own strategies for managing emotions and situations and demonstrate how to use the tools from the box. This normalises the use of these resources and fosters a supportive classroom culture.
Davina Dibbs