On the Sidelines

Year 5 and 6 Intrahouse Sport
The Intrahouse Sport season continues this term for the grade 5 and 6's on a Friday morning. Our students have been split into 16 house teams and rotate to a new sport each week against another house team. This seasons sports include: Tee ball, ultimate frisbee, rounders, basketball, end zone, four square, table tennis and dodgeball.
After Round 4 the scores are:
Macquarie 82
Scarborough 75
Banks 64
Phillip 56
What’s happening in PE and PMP this term
Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) Foundation
The foundation students are developing their skills in PMP with particular focus on understanding language concepts such as left and right, developing their fine motor skills such as the pincer grip in readiness for tasks such as tying shoelaces and holding a pencil, gross movement skills such as skipping in rhythm, body and special awareness to navigate up, over around and through the PMP equipment and working on our cross patterning such as the cross over walk.
Foundation, Year 1, 2, 3 and 4
The Foundation, year 1, 2, 3 and 4 students are focusing on developing their Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) in isolation, small group and whole class activities.
- Bounce, Overhand Throw, Catch and Forehand Strike
Year 1
- Bounce, Forehand Strike, Two Hand Strike and Minor Games
Year 2
- Bounce, Forehand Strike, Two Hand Strike and Minor Games
Year 3
- Bounce, Forehand Strike and Striking and Fielding Games
Year 4, 5 and 6
The year 4, 5 and 6 students are focusing on developing their tactical thinking by implementing game play tactics and strategies into our game sense curriculum.
Year 4, 5 and 6 focus:
- Target games and Net/Wall Games
Northern Metropolitan Region Athletics
Congratulations to Chase and Jaida who will progress to the Northern Metropolitan Region Athletics Carnival this Wednesday on October 16. Chase will compete in the hurdles event and Jaida will compete in the triple jump and 1500m events.
Good luck Chase and Jaida!!
Upcoming events
Year 3 and 4 Hoop Time- November 14