Principal's Message

Welcome back to our wonderful Mill Park Heights School Community and welcome to our new look Newsletter.
It is wonderful to have you all back onsite happy safe and well. We hope you enjoyed the time together and created further family memories.
I am very happy to have returned to my role this term after recovering from some major surgery. Taking a little extra time to step away to focus on my rehabilitation was important and I am incredibly grateful to Mel Lloyd for her professionalism and leadership in accepting the Acting Principal role during this time. I extend my thanks to the Leadership team and all our staff for their brilliant support.
As this term begins, we are busy planning for Term 4 as well as focusing on the 2025 expectations and direction. We are looking to secure staff and are hoping to confirm our school profile as early as possible.
Please note:
- If you already have children at MPHPS and have not yet enrolled a future sibling into the 2025 Foundation cohort, I ask that you contact the office asap. Transition will be occurring and then classes and staffing will be determined.
- If you are moving in 2025. Please contact the office to confirm this move so that we can accurately consider future numbers. We do understand that some family housing /locations have changed, and this may result in families preferring to attend their local school.
Learning & Wellbeing Updates
- If you get a chance to walk past Senior Arts room please take a look at the brilliant displays. Thank you to our Arts team for their drive in this area. The student work is fabulous.
- Junior School Swimming has commenced with students in Foundation, Years 1 & 2 participating in the program. Thank you to the HPE team and the teaching staff for their organisation and enthusiasm in ensuring the students have a wonderful experience. Our thanks also go to the many parent helpers who have offered to walk with classes and help out with our program.
- Our fabulous band Rocky Heights will be performing at the Lalor North Secondary Music Festival on Thursday 17th October. A huge thanks to Garry Evans for his passion and enthusiasm in supporting the rock band.
- The Year 6 students are preparing for their Camp in Week 3 and we know they are going to have a fabulous time.
Please also note that we have entered our Sun Smart period and students are required to wear hats for Phys Ed/Sport and when outside at recess and lunch. There is also a sunscreen reminder bell that sounds at 10.45am each day, so you are welcome to pop some sunscreen into your child’s bag if you would like them to use it.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge and wish Renee Jankus all the very best as she concludes her time with us at the end of Week 1. We wish her the very best in her promoted role as Business Manager in a new Wollert School. We know she will be a fabulous addition to her new team. Goodbye and good luck.
Wishing you all a great fortnight.
Cheers Chris