Community Care and Connection

GSPV Family Takes On City-to-Bay
This past weekend, Year 5 student Kohen, along with his brother Tatem (former Good Shepherd student, now at Endeavour College) and their father, Chair of the GSPV School Board Shawn Zeppel, participated in the 2024 City-to-Bay 12km run.
Not only was it Kohen's first time running the City-to-Bay, but he also celebrated his 11th birthday. To top it off, Kohen was interviewed by Channel 9 News, making it a birthday to remember!
The family completed the run in an impressive 1 hour and 9 minutes, proudly wearing their old Team Kelly shirts for fun.
We love seeing our students and alumni embrace active lifestyles - Well done Zeppel family!
The Deaf Festival - This Weekend!
Presented by our friends at The Deaf Butterfly Effect, the Deaf Festival is coming to Adelaide! This festival has been held across Australia and now its Adelaide’s turn.
The aim is to celebrate and share Deaf culture, language, and community. Throughout the festival local Deaf businesses and artisans will be showcased and there will be a variety of engaging events for all ages, such as workshops, Auslan storytelling, a petting zoo, children’s performances and more!
It will be a great opportunity for the children in our school community to engage with the Deaf community and share the conversational skills they have been learning in our specialist Auslan lessons.
Coffee and Connect
What did your child think of camp this week? Did your child share at this week’s assembly? How is your family going?
If you have a few minutes (or a lot of minutes) and you feel like meeting some people or reuniting with old friends, you are most welcome to pop into the Church Café tomorrow morning (Friday) 8.30-10am and share some tea/coffee and conversation!
Why not invite someone along this week? You never know how you might change someone’s day (for the better) just by turning up and having a chat!
Enter via the courtyard. Toddlers are welcome (there is a small playground for them to play in; we just ask that you keep an eye on them for safety reasons).
Please note: This is the last Coffee and Connect for this term. We will be having our Closing Worship service for Term 3 next Friday, which of course, you are most welcome to attend. AND yes, tea and coffee will be provided! We will resume our gatherings next term.
KAPS is on again this Sunday!
Life can sometimes feel like a puzzle... so this time we will be 'piecing things together' and having fun in the process as we enjoy a range of activities. We'll be having a devotion style worship and a meal afterwards. Pop it in your diary. The fun starts at 4pm... See you Sunday! Rachel and Georgie
Growing Sunflowers Art Studio
Hi I'm Jacqui, a mum at Good Shepherd. I have a business teaching children art and have a passion for helping children express themselves creatively.
My new holiday art timetable is now available!
Please see the below flyer for details and call or email me to book:
Phone: 0401659991