Dates to Remember

- Friday 6th - Grade 5/6 Summer Sports
- Tuesday 10th - Division Athletics
- Thursday 12th - Kismet Art Show 🖼️ 3:30-6pm
- Friday 20th - Whole School Assembly - 9:15am
- Friday 20th - Last day of term 3. Early finish 2:30pm
- Friday 18th - Whole School Assembly
- Friday 25th - World Teachers Day
- Friday 25th - Curriculum Day - No Students required at school on this day.
- Friday 1st - Whole School Assembly
- Tuesday 5th - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
- Thursday 7th - Foundation Transition Morning 1, including parent information session (School Readiness)
- Monday 11th - Remembrance Day
- Thursday 14th - Foundation Transition Morning 2, including parent information session (Teaching & Learning)
- Thursday 21st - Foundation Transition Morning 3, including parent information session (Student Wellbeing)
- Thursday 28th - Step Up Session 1
- Thursday 5th - Step Up Session 2
- Thursday 12th - Step Up Session 3 - Meet the Teacher
Our upcoming curriculum days are listed below. Please note, no students are required to attend on curriculum days. TheirCare will operate on these days.
- Term 4: Friday 25th October