Community News

Karabena Consulting are currently working on a project with the Department of Transport and Planning to better understand the factors influencing road safety outcomes for First Peoples in Victoria, with a particular focus on children, youth, and their families.
As part of this project, they are conducting consultations with various stakeholders, including community members, to gather their views on road safety and education.
They are holding a community consultation at Sunbury Aboriginal Corporation on Tuesday 10th September from 3pm-5pm and are hoping to speak with:
- young people (ages 16-25) to discuss their experiences with road safety education and the licensing process
- parents to discuss their experiences with things like child restraints, supporting children through the learning to drive process etc.
- all community members to gather general feedback on road safety in the community.
It is a 2 hour consultation (with catering and $50 gift cards for participation).
Registration details are on the flyer.