Year 7 News

Last Friday during APC YR 7 were presented with Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards by Dr Ludicke to recognise their Academic Achievement at MCC
Bronze Awards = 5 Red Merit Awards
Silver Awards = 3 Bronze Awards
Gold Awards = 3 Silver Awards
The following are the recipients of the Silver Awards
Alara Duncan
Sweetsell Balin
Thinuli Weerasuriya Achchillage
Isabella Piva
Navnoor Mahal
Ishmeet Dhaliwal
Moksha Patel
Freya Patel
Layla Gumbleton
Callum Vecchio
Nate Hayllar
Jasna Bushipaga
Vyani Patel
Therese Nicholls
Stella Mc Millan
Ayush Patel
Isla Christoff
Leonardo Rosana
Manny Giason
Isla Grieve
Dean Salvestrin
The following 2 students have shown Outstanding Achievement in Yr 7 to receive a Gold Award
Stella Mc Millan
Therese Nicholls
Mrs Renae Savage
Year 7 Pastoral Co-ordinator