Assistant Principal News

It has been a busy end to Term 3!
Last week we were joined by over 160 students for their final Transition session. They engaged in a science experiment and a sports lesson with lots of lively chatter and laughter demonstrating the level of safety and enthusiasm they already feel at the College.
The Year 12 students have been enjoying their last weeks at the College with lots of exciting activities. A dress up week, followed by a year group Liturgy at the Lake, Shared staff/student lunch and an epic playground water fight. On Wednesday the students completed their journey at Marian Catholic College. We celebrated their faith journey with a Mass, followed by their Final Assembly. We were joined by parents and friends to celebrate and we wish them all the best with their studies in the lead up to their exams and we look forward to celebrating with them again at their College Graduation when their HSC concludes.
Liturgy at Lake Wyangan