Student of the Week

Week 9



All of Foundation D

Congratulations FD! You were all such superstar swimmers during your swimming lessons last week! You all gave it a go and did your best respectful listening. I have also loved watching your Share and Learn presentations this week. I have learnt so many cool new facts about your favourite animals! Keep up the awesome work FD!



Leon Austin

Congratulations Leon! Your share and learn presentation was fantastic. You amazed us with your exciting shark facts and your incredible enthusiasm. We had so much fun discovering all about your favourite animal and you spoke so well in front of the class. Keep shining bright!



Persephone (Sephy) Oogjes

For swimming like a little fish in your school swimming lessons. You were a champion swimmer and gave all new things a go! What a star!



Emily McQuilken

Congratulations Emily! You have shown a huge improvement with your reading. It is great to see you segmenting and blending your sounds. Keep it up, superstar!



Harry Pike

Harry, I have been so impressed with your attitude and persistence in Reading, where you have shown incredible determination to learn your Heart Words and sound out challenging words in books. Well done!



Julian Egodagamage

For his wonderful story about a magical swirling infinity door that took him to Minecraft land where he had to battle the levels to get home again. This writing piece was truly fantastic; descriptive, structured with excellent spelling and word choices. You're a legend, Julian!



Mia Seing

For your wonderful approach to your learning and friendships. You tackle each day with determination and kindness and consistently make positive choices. You are a superstar that we are very proud of!



Clark Green 

Well done Clark for always being a wonderful friend to everyone! You are kind, inclusive and thoughtful, and your classmates love being around you. Keep up the great effort Clark! 



Casper Haberman

For always being such a kind and caring friend! You are an absolute superstar in and out of the classroom and a fantastic role model for your peers. Keep it up Casper!



Xanthe Fethers

For your wonderful work ethic and determination in class!



Penelope Molan 

Not only do you always approach each task with enthusiasm and determination, but you also go above and beyond to help others in our classroom. We are so lucky to have you in 3/4C!



Emilia Howden

For making an effort to start work and getting more done.



Georgia Wise

Wisdom is defined as not only having experience and knowledge, but also having good judgement. You constantly make positive choices in our classroom, through your enthusiasm for learning and desire to challenge yourself. How lucky we are to have such a ‘wise’ student in 3/4R!



Alijah Wotherspoon

Alijah, it was fantastic to see the dedication and effort you put into your project Race to Paris, and even more amazing to see how proud you were of what you accomplished. You truly earned that sense of achievement! Remember to carry that same confidence and determination into everything you do moving forward. You've shown what you're capable of, and we’re all so proud of you. Great job, Alijah—keep up the awesome work!



Ella Brady

Ella, I was extremely impressed with the way you went about covering all aspects of the project. Your creative flair really stands out! 



Josh Cosma

It has been a big few weeks for this student. His project presentation was cosmic, I’m not joshing around! Well done on a terrific effort, Josh!



Jenson Gedge

For your outstanding participation and effort within your group while working on your Reader's Theatre performance. Keep up the great work!



Piper Barnett

'P' is for Persistent, as you always give your best effort in everything you do. 'I' is for Improving Focus, as you show incredible dedication and determination each day. 'P' is for Positivity, as you spread kindness and joy throughout the classroom. 'E' is for Effort Always, as you consistently put in your best no matter the challenge. 'R' is for Ready to Support Others, as you show kindness and are a dependable friend. P-I-P-E-R, you embody all of these qualities and should be so proud of yourself, as I am of you!



Adelie White

For extending yourself by taking the initiative to use the Hiragana chart to work out words on your own. I'm so proud of you Adelie!

Week 10


Ari Kiviali

Congratulations Ari! I have been SO impressed with your reading efforts this term, you are a reading champion! You try your best and don't give up even when learning the cheeky /th/ sound! You are such an enthusiastic learner, and you spread your positive energy to all around you. What a shining star you are Ari!



Madeleine (Maddie) Eason

Congratulations Maddie! Your curiosity and determination to do your best in everything you do shines through each day. Your handwriting is so beautiful, and your sentences are just bursting with creativity and detail. I'm so proud of all your hard work! You are such a fabulous and inquisitive learner! 



Ben Gabler 

For being such a kind, caring and hardworking superstar in Foundation Z! You’ve made amazing progress with your learning, and you’re a fantastic role model for your friends. The way you always join in and look for ways to help is just wonderful!



Zoey Sinclair

Congratulations Zoey! You have worked really hard this term and have made some great progress. You are such a helpful member of our class, and we are lucky to have you. Keep being you, superstar!



Tilly Gazarek

Tilly, we have been so impressed with the hard work and persistence you have shown in your reading throughout Term 3. Your sounding out and knowledge of Heart Words has been wonderful and you should be super proud of your efforts. Well done!



Juniper Grounds

Juniper, as you head off on your extended holiday, know that your warmth, kindness and enthusiasm for learning will be greatly missed. We wish you all the best and can’t wait to hear about your adventures when you return. Safe travels!


Harriet Wise

Harriet, your growth and dedication over the past three terms have been truly inspiring. As you embark on your exciting new adventure in New Zealand, know that you will be greatly missed. We can’t wait to see how much you’ve grown and the incredible experiences you’ll bring back to us in a year. Safe travels and best of luck on this amazing journey! 🌏✈️



Tyler Lang

For bringing laughter and warmth to the 2L classroom. We look forward to seeing your smile each day as you are a wonderful and kind friend who have an amazing knack of making your peers and teachers laugh. Keep being awesome Tyler! 



Lily Ames

Well done Lily for consistently showing kindness and consideration. You are always ready to lend a helping hand or offer a kind word to your classmates. Keep being amazing! 



Bella Marciano

Well done Bella for your persistence and courage when presenting your Google Earth project to the class. You should be so proud of all of your effort you have put into your work over term. Hard work pays off! Keep it up!



Hudson Sacco

For his wonderfully engaging Integrated presentation!



Levi Ristevski 

For your dedication to improving your writing. The descriptive language you have used to continue the book, 'Fox' is sensational. How lucky we are to have such a hard working and resilient class mate!



Maddie McQuilken

For being a positive role model in our class, always completing a high standard work and being a kind class member.



Jay McCall 

What a fantastic week you have had, Jay! Your presentation of ‘The World Around Us’ Project perfectly demonstrated our school value COURAGE, and what a pleasure it was to learn all about beautiful Japan. Keep up the fantastic work!



Kian Zia

Kian, what an amazing Grade 6 year you are having! Watching you step out of your comfort zone and grow into the confident person you are today has been truly inspiring. You’ve shown such incredible development, and this was perfectly demonstrated in your Reader's Theatre performance, where you had everyone laughing and fully engaged. Your humour, energy and willingness to step up have made a real impact on those around you. Keep shining, Kian – you’re doing a fantasticjob!



Mikaylah Cutler

Mikaylah, I have been extremely impressed with the way you are working in class this term! Keep up the great work, champ!



James Vivian

Wondering why the football is getting bigger? Then BAM! it hits you, it was James who was kicking goals all week! Keep it up, James!



J.J. Yaya

J.J., what an incredible job you did in your Reader's Theatre performance of 'Night at the Museum'! Watching you take on the role of the teacher with such confidence and humour was a real highlight. Your voice projection was spot-on, making sure everyone could hear you clearly and your acting had the entire audience laughing. You brought so much energy and personality to the performance, leaving a lasting impression on everyone in the audience. Keep up the amazing work, J.J.!



Patrick Monigatti

Patrick, you are an incredible person. You have the heart of a lion and always give your best. Your creativity, kindness and intelligence make you so special. We absolutely love having you in our class, learning from you and seeing you smile. Keep being the amazing person you are, Patrick - you’re truly one of a kind.